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Angular2 module similar to ngResource / $resource

When I take a look into Angular2 docs I can't find any REST helper module like Angular1's ngResource. I find it very useful in Angular1, so I would like to have something similar in Angular2, but the only thing I can find is 'angular2/http' which does not contain anything like that (or maybe I am not searching good enough?).

Although it is pretty much clear that it would be easy to implement a similar service on my own, is there any ready-to-use module shipped by Angular2 team or is there going to be one?

like image 676
smnbbrv Avatar asked Apr 25 '16 12:04


1 Answers

There are a few thirdparty libs that do this and tie in with RXjs.

Take a look at https://github.com/troyanskiy/ng2-resource-rest

like image 183
Martin Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 07:10
