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Angular2 How to display error page while keeping route

Apologies if this is somewhere else, but my normal searching tactics have failed me.

I'd like to display a custom error page when I receive a 500 from the API. I'm using restangular and have a response interceptor that redirects to the error page when I receive the 500, using:


This all works. However, I'd like to keep the previous URL in the browser navigation bar so that when the user refreshes it tries the previous page again, whereas right now they have to re-navigate to the broken page to try again.


like image 711
Robin Schaaf Avatar asked May 19 '17 16:05

Robin Schaaf

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1 Answers

You can add this:

setRouteErrorHandler(): void {
    let errorRoute = null;

    this.router.errorHandler = (error): void => {
        this.router.navigate(['/error'], { skipLocationChange: true, replaceUrl: true });

        .filter((next) => next instanceOf NavigationError)
        .subscribe((next) => {
            errorRoute = next;

and call setRouteErrorHandler() from AppModule constructor or implement your own APP_INITIALIZER

like image 148
Tzach Ovadia Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Tzach Ovadia