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angular2 <base href="/"> confusing browser



if I build an angular2 app, I can easily go into my dev folder, double-click on my index.html and the browser will open the page and get all resources displaying the app right - without any local dev-server.

But when I add the <base href="/"> tag in index.html that I NEED for angular's router to work, the browser can't load the page anymore.

Using a dev-server this works fine.

Can someone explain me what's the reason for that ??

like image 910
M.N. Bug Avatar asked Jun 10 '16 10:06

M.N. Bug

Video Answer

1 Answers

When you use <base href="/"> and open the index.html directly base is considered to be a file file:///C:/, or similar, depending on where your file is.

One solution is to use relative path: with <base href="./"> base will be current folder where your file is. You can use this if you have to run app from USB stick, for example

like image 141
Sasxa Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09
