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Angular - Using a component selector as an attribute makes tslint get angry




I'm trying to create a component with an attribute as a selector, like this:

    selector: '[my-attribute-selector]',
    template: ``
export class MyComponent { 
   // Some cool stuff

However, tslint is complaining about that, with the following message:

[tslint] The selector of the component "MyComponent" should be used as element

I know I could just disable that tslint rule, but I'd like to know if there's a reasonable reason why I shouldn't use an attribute as the component's selector before doing so.

Thanks in advance!

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Lucas Colombo Avatar asked Feb 07 '18 11:02

Lucas Colombo

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2 Answers

To allow linting for both element and attribute selectors, in tslint.config pass in an array ["element", "attribute"] instead of "element" or just "attribute":

"component-selector": [
        ["element", "attribute"],

As per reasons of taking the attribute approach, I will quote from this issue on codelyzer. Basically it's advisable when intending to just wrap low-level native input functionality like button or input without having to put a <my-custom-input> around them.

After listening to Angular Material team's talk in ng-conf about component API designs there is a case for using attribute selectors as components to allow components to be able to use the DOM API without needing to reflect 20+ bindings from the custom element style components to the inner DOM API it wraps.

like image 192
Robert Verdes Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 04:09

Robert Verdes

Your tslint.config file will be having this rule

"component-selector": [

Please modify that to allow attribute selector as below

"component-selector": [
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Aravind Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09
