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angular universal: dynamic imports for browser only

Is it possible to import a module based on condition? Specificly import external module only if angular 2 universal app being rendered in browser but not in server.

This question is relevant to some PrimeNG modules that depend on browser features and can be rendered only in browser. It would be great to omit them at server rendering cause calendars and other components are not really important for SEO.

Currently I can render Calendar component if turn off server rendering. But server produces an error 'ReferenceError: Event is not defined' in button.js when I include this code below in my app.module.ts and turn on server rendering.

import { CalendarModule } from 'primeng/components/calendar/calendar';
    imports: [

There is a isBrowser condition provided by angular.

import { isBrowser } from 'angular2-universal';

But I don't know how to use it for conditional imports. Is there really a way to do it for modules?

like image 411
Rodion Avatar asked Nov 22 '16 20:11


2 Answers

So there is a way to render PrimeNG components in browser and omit them while server rendering. Those questions helped me start digging the right direction:

angular-cli: Conditional Imports using an environment variable

How can I conditionally import an ES6 module?

While server rendering I used mock component that renders a simple input field and uses the same selector 'p-calendar'. The final code I ended up with in my app.module.

...//other imports
import { isBrowser } from 'angular2-universal';

let imports = [
    ... //your modules here
let declarations = [
    ... //your declarations here

if (isBrowser) {
    let CalendarModule = require('primeng/components/calendar/calendar').CalendarModule;
else {
    let CalendarMockComponent = require('./components/primeng/calendarmock.component').CalendarMockComponent;

    bootstrap: [AppComponent],
    declarations: declarations,
    providers: [
        ... //your providers here
    imports: imports

To make your mock component support [(ngModel)] binding use this tutorial. http://almerosteyn.com/2016/04/linkup-custom-control-to-ngcontrol-ngmodel

import { Component, forwardRef } from '@angular/core';
import { NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, ControlValueAccessor } from '@angular/forms';

    provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: forwardRef(() => CalendarMockComponent),
    multi: true

    selector: 'p-calendar',
    template: '<input type="text" class="form-control"/>',
export class CalendarMockComponent implements ControlValueAccessor {

    private innerValue: any = '';

    private onTouchedCallback: () => void = () => {};
    private onChangeCallback: (_: any) => void = () => {};

    //From ControlValueAccessor interface
    writeValue(value: any) {
        if (value !== this.innerValue) {
            this.innerValue = value;

    registerOnChange(fn: any) {
        this.onChangeCallback = fn;

    registerOnTouched(fn: any) {
        this.onTouchedCallback = fn;
like image 93
Rodion Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10


An alternative solution for module imports that does not require dynamic script loading: you can use the compilerOptions.paths option in your server app's tsconfig.json file to redirect the imported module to a server-only version:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "paths": {
            "path/to/browser/module": "path/to/server/module"

When the server app builds, the compiler will import the server module instead of the browser module.

like image 44
asgallant Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10
