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Angular UI-Select in UI-Grid?

I feel like I'm beating my head against a wall.

Anyone have an example of using ui-select inside of ui-grid? (3.0)

I'm having the hardest time utilizing ui-select inside of ui-grid, as a cellTemplate, ie:

{ field: "Job.JobTitle", displayName: "Job Title", enableCellEdit: true, editableCellTemplate: '<ui-select ng-model="job.selected" theme="select2" style="width:100%;"><ui-select-match placeholder="Select a job...">{{$select.selected.JobTitle}}</ui-select-match><ui-select-choices repeat="job in jobs | filter: $select.search"><div ng-bind-html="job.JobTitle | highlight: $select.search"></div></ui-select-choices></ui-select>' }

Any chance anyone out there has an example of ui-select inside ui-grid?


like image 288
John Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 09:12


2 Answers

So after hours upon hours of fighting with this, I found the problem!

ui-grid-cell CSS class has overflow:hidden. Which means that my ui-select was hiding BEHIND the lower cells.

What fun, what fun. Now to override that little PITA!

like image 182
John Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 08:12


Trick is


But don't take it from me, take it from the best authority on this subject. Here is how its done.


like image 43
Justin Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 07:12
