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Angular UI Bootstrap - Popup Datepicker

I would like to have a datepicker popup upon clicking a button using the Angular UI Bootstrap library's components. There are examples of both on the Angular UI Boostrap website but I don't see a way to combine them. I don't like the idea of placing the Datepicker div as an attribute value for the popup directive's text.

I also tried to use ng-show on the Datepicker div but I can't that to work either.

Here's the code I have at the moment.

<div ng-controller="DatepickerCtrl" class="input-append">
        <input class="input-small ng-pristine ng-valid" 
                ng-value="dt" />
        <button type="button" 
                ng-click"showDatePicker=true"      // the show when clicked strategy
                popover="On the Right!">           // Don't see a way to make this encapsulate a div
                    <i class="icon-calendar"></i>
        <datepicker ng-model="dt"
                    date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)"
                    min="minDate" max="'2015-06-22'">

I don't really like the ng-show strategy. Would rather have it be a popover but I assume there are ways to do that better too so I wouldn't mind either.

like image 646
Saad Farooq Avatar asked Jul 01 '13 02:07

Saad Farooq

1 Answers

Update 2015-08-16 - As of Angular UI Bootstrap 0.13.0 this functionality is now included! It works very similar to what I've described below. To use this feature add popover-template="'mytemplate.html'" to the element you want to apply the popover to.

I've created new example showing this feature in action.

As of 2013-07-02, there is an open issue with the Angular UI Bootstrap project to allow you to put HTML markup inside a popover.

If/when this change is merged, you'll be able to put a datepicker inside a template and then reference this template by adding popover-template="mytemplate.html" to the element that you've declared the popover on.

As an example of this functionality, you can see a Plunker that I recently forked.

I will update this answer as the situation changes.


If you're feeling adventurous, the code I used is based on Pull Request 369, which will leads to this commit.

There are three reasons that I am aware of as to why the commit hasn't been merged yet:

  1. There's a scope that needs to be cleaned up on when a parent scope is destroyed. This is mentioned in a comment made by Pawel Kozlowski in the commit I linked.
  2. Opening, closing and reopening the popover causes the binding to the scope break when the popover reopens. I posted a workaround to this in Issue 220 (same issue linked above).
  3. There are't any tests around this yet.

I may try to find some time this weekend to work on these issues so it can be merged into the project.

like image 132
John Oberreuter Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 17:10

John Oberreuter