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Angular - The pipe 'keyvalue' could not be found

I'm testing Angular's keyvalue pipe with simple code:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `<div *ngFor="let prop of testObj | keyvalue">
      <div>key: {{prop.key}}</div>
      <div>value: {{prop.value}}<div>
    </div> `
export class AppComponent {
  testObj = { id: 1, name: "Abdul Rafay" }

but it's giving me this error:

Template parse errors: The pipe 'keyvalue' could not be found ("]prop of testObj | keyvalue"> key: {{prop.key}} value: {{prop.value}}"): ng:///AppModule/AppComponent.html@0:17 Evaluating src/main.ts Booting application

am i missing anything? Here's my Stackblitz

like image 817
Abdul Rafay Avatar asked Aug 19 '18 09:08

Abdul Rafay

People also ask

What is KeyValue pipe in angular?

KeyValuePipelinkTransforms Object or Map into an array of key value pairs. {{ input_expression | keyvalue [ : compareFn ] }}

How does angular store key value pairs?

The KeyValue Pipe converts given Object or Map into an array of key-value pairs. We can use this with the ngFor to loop through the object keys. The keyValue accepts the one argument compareFn , which we can use to set the custom sort to the pipe.

What is key in angular?

KeyValue pipe released in Angular 6.1 to loop through objects,Maps and arrays. Now by passing KeyValue pipe to *ngFor we can loop through objects key values & maps. Prior to this Angular 6.1 release we cannot iterate directly through objects key values & maps using *ngFor directive.

1 Answers

The KeyValue Pipe is available in angular 6.1 to Update your dependencies it will work

If you are using angular 6 you can try this


  <div *ngFor="let prop of key">
          <div>key: {{prop}}</div>
          <div>value: {{testObj[prop]}}<div>


 testObj = { id: 1, name: "Abdul Rafay" }
    get key(){
      return Object.keys(this.testObj);

Example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-6-template-x9hady

like image 185
Chellappan வ Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10

Chellappan வ