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angular service unit test DoneFn

I'm following the angular official doc and I can see this code:

it("#getObservableValue should return value from observable", (done: DoneFn) => {
    service.getObservableValue().subscribe(value => {
      expect(value).toBe("observable value");

I'm wondering where DoneFn comes from because I've no error either import for the typing.

like image 474
user3887366 Avatar asked Dec 08 '18 18:12


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1 Answers

If you follow the Interface definition you will see that it is under:


/** Action method that should be called when the async work is complete */
interface DoneFn extends Function {
    (): void;

    /** fails the spec and indicates that it has completed. If the message is an Error, Error.message is used */
    fail: (message?: Error | string) => void;

You don't need to import or use it, it's mostly for reference. I am not sure how @types exactly work but I suppose if there is a @types typing within the project, node knows how to find the definition as they are all indexed in this one folder.


I found out this is being configured by tsconfig.json

"typeRoots": [
like image 77
mchl18 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09
