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Angular Route Infinite Loop

For some reason when I have a dynamic property in my route and access that page I get stuck in an infinite loop where that page will continuously request itself.

.config(["$routeProvider", "$locationProvider", function($routeProvider, $locationProvider)

    $routeProvider.when("/", {
        templateUrl: "pages/index.html",
        controller: "IndexCtrl"
    }).when("/listhome", {
        templateUrl: "pages/listhome.html",
        controller: "ListHomeCtrl"
    }).when("/profile", {
        templateUrl: "pages/profile.html",
        controller: "ProfileCtrl"
    }).when("/newlist", {
        templateUrl: "pages/newlist.html",
        controller: "NewListCtrl"
    }).when("/userlists/:id", {
        templateUrl: "pages/userlists.html",
        controller: "UserListsCtrl"
        redirectTo: "/"

The route I'm looking at is the /userlists/:id route. The controller for that route is-

TopTenApp.controller("UserListsCtrl", ["$scope","$routeParams", function($scope, $routeParams)
    $scope.lists = [];

And when I access /userlists/9 I see-

Object {id: "9"}

Being logged every 3 seconds and the page freezes. This seems to happen whenever there is a forward slash after the location ("/userslists/" instead of "/userlists").

Does anyone know the cause of this?

like image 855
micah Avatar asked Jan 25 '14 21:01


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1 Answers

Silly me I realized the problem. I guess it makes sense but the template url needs to have a forward slash in front of it when the page is multiple "directories" deep.

.config(["$routeProvider", "$locationProvider", function($routeProvider, $locationProvider)

    $routeProvider.when("/", {
        templateUrl: "/pages/index.html",
        controller: "IndexCtrl"
    }).when("/listhome", {
        templateUrl: "/pages/listhome.html",
        controller: "ListHomeCtrl"
    }).when("/profile", {
        templateUrl: "/pages/profile.html",
        controller: "ProfileCtrl"
    }).when("/newlist", {
        templateUrl: "/pages/newlist.html",
        controller: "NewListCtrl"
    }).when("/userlists/:id", {
        templateUrl: "/pages/userlists.html",
        controller: "UserListsCtrl"
        redirectTo: "/"

Hopefully that helps someone else with a similar problem.

like image 71
micah Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09
