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AngularJS - accessing http headers



I am trying to access the http headers in my angular controller but I am getting undefined. Also, I am able to see the header response in my angular service which is not reflecting in my controller. Can someone please tell me what I am missing? Please see the code below:


cmApp.service('supplierService', function ($http, $q) {
    this.getSuppliers = function (orderByColumn, skipRows, takeRows) {
        var deferred = $q.defer();
            method: 'GET',
            url: 'api/supplier',
            params: { orderBy: orderByColumn, skip: skipRows, take: takeRows },
            timeout: 30000, 
            cache: false
        success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
            // any required additional processing here            
            deferred.resolve(data, status, headers, config);            
        error(function (data, status) {
            deferred.reject(data, status, headers, config);
        return deferred.promise;        


   supplierService.getSuppliers($scope.orderby, $scope.skip, $scope.take)
        .then(function (data, status, headers, config) {
            **//getting undefined here.**
            $scope.totalRecords = parseInt(headers('X-TotalRowCount'));                
            $scope.suppliers = data;
        }, function (error) {
            // error handling here
like image 283
user972255 Avatar asked Oct 18 '13 16:10


1 Answers

I have found the solution by myself. All I have to do is create an array and add all those values to the same & return it to the controller. Please see the updated code below:


cmApp.service('supplierService', function ($http, $q) {
    this.getSuppliers = function (orderByColumn, skipRows, takeRows) {
        var deferred = $q.defer();
            method: 'GET',
            url: 'api/supplier',
            params: { orderBy: orderByColumn, skip: skipRows, take: takeRows },
            timeout: 30000, 
            cache: false
        success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
            // any required additional processing here 
            var results = [];
            results.data = data;
            results.headers = headers();
            results.status = status;
            results.config = config;

        error(function (data, status) {
            deferred.reject(data, status, headers, config);
        return deferred.promise;        


supplierService.getSuppliers($scope.orderby, $scope.skip, $scope.take)
            .then(function (response) {                
                $scope.suppliers = response.data;
                $scope.totalRecords = parseInt(response.headers["x-totalrowcount"]);                
            }, function (error) {
                // error handling here
like image 65
user972255 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 03:10
