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Angular Material VS Materializecss [closed]

Well, it's about a week i'm trying to running up an application with Angular Material.
After so much challenging with Angular Material and its nerve wracking bugs (that might be never solved because of their milestone to releasing V2 for angular V2 as soon as possible), now it's blowing my mind, that why i have to use 616KB JS+CSS Angular Material module instead of 254KB JS+CSS Materializecss.
As i know (tell me if i'm wrong!):

It's best to try and avoid changing DOM elements whenever possible

But Angular materials base is directives that cause a lot of reflows/repaints, and actually based on demos i saw, Materializecss was much faster and lighter than Angular Material.
That's obvious Angular Material is more Angular-friendly and has some specific features like $mdThemingProvider and ..., but i have my doubts about using Angular Material or maybe its performance.
Any words to make me believe again in Angular Material?
Is it worth to use Angular Material instead of pure Angular + Materializecss ?
Because i can't see any major change in result of them?

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MeTe-30 Avatar asked Aug 16 '16 07:08


People also ask

Can I use materialize with angular?

Integration with Angular: The above all installation methods provide full functionality with materialize and no need to further install anything to work in angular. Take any example and just use the appropriate HTML structure inside the component part of angular and you are good to go.

How do you use MaterializeCSS?

There are two ways to use MaterializeCSS, either you can download the files on your system or use the files from CDN (Content Delivery Network). Download the Materialize Package. Download the Materialize SASS Package.

Is materialize CSS open source?

Materialize is an open source project under the MIT License, and its GitHub lists more than 3,800 commits and 250 contributors.

Can I use materialize with Bootstrap?

Can you use Materialize and Bootstrap together? Technically, it's possible to use both Bootstrap and Materialize together but you need to be extra careful with the names of the classes. Keep in mind that there many are the same and could result in performance issues.

3 Answers

Go for Materialize.

I don't know why people downvoted your question. It is a legitimate question. And though Angular Material looks like a more attractive choice as it has the famous word "Angular" in its name. But it is definitely not the right choice. It may have better integration with angular but a good programmer can integrate Materialize equally good.

Angular Material does not have that many components yet. In fact for some of the components, it does not even have proper examples.

I started a project in Angular Material but then shifted to Materialize a because as of 20th September 2017 it is much more comprehensive a library. And is also documented properly with so many examples.

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Jasmeet Singh Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10

Jasmeet Singh

Right now it feels that MaterializeCSS is more mature and developed, with more features, animations, and components.

However Angular Material has a large ToDo list so it could catch up, but it looks like it wont happen until 2018 or later based on their github readme status. Nothing planned after end of 2017 currently.

Materialize Pros and Cons

  • PRO: The good thing about materialize is that What You Type is What You Get, meaning the html and css you put in your angular templates is exactly how it will be in the browser, which means its very easy to style with css.

  • CON: The bad thing about materialize is that is requires jquery, which means special setup is required when using angular. If you're using webpack, its really easy using provide plugin


  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
     $     : 'jquery',
     jQuery: 'jquery'

That automatically makes jquery available in every module that uses it, so it really isn't a bad thing after all.

  • PRO: Another good thing is that its easy to port your html/css from one project to another, since its just html and css, no custom directives. So if you wanted to switch from angular to react, or to plain html, that would be easy with Materialize while maintaining all your markup and styles.

  • PRO: Well developed, lots of components, lots of styles, many features that really give a professional polish to your app

  • PRO: Very good documentation and excellent examples.

  • PRO: Developers are very responsive to GitHub issues and PRs

MaterializeCSS Score: +4

Angular Material Pros and Cons

  • PRO: The good thing is that its built for angular, so it has custom directives angular style. However, this also required setup since you have to import the module, but that's no different from any angular module.

  • PRO: Developers are also very responsive to GitHub issues and PRs

  • CON: The bad thing about angular material is that it translates all those custom directives into their own html and css, which I found can be quite tricky to override and customize, but not impossible.

  • CON: Another bad thing is that the code it not portable. It only works for angular2+, so you can't switch frameworks with this. All your markup and styles are stuck in angular.

  • CON: A lot more progress is needed before it's mature and can provide a full Material experience.

  • CON: Poor documentation. The examples are limited, there is minimal explanation around examples, no options are given as to what each example can do, confusing at best.

Angular Material Score: -2

Based on this short analysis, in my opinion, Materialize is the way to go as of September 2017, even while using an Angular2+ app. I've been using Materialize in my angular 4 app and it works great. I hope this helps.

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TetraDev Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10


Angular Material is an Angular module which contains Angular directives. It was made specifically for Angular while MaterializeCSS is a only CSS library with a little Javascript.

You should use Angular Material because of all the components that will work in your app unlike the MaterializeCSS where some things will not work, it's designed for pure Javascript or jQuery.

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Igor Janković Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Igor Janković