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Angular Material 2 - Disable Ripple?

I'm currently working with md-tab-group (just updated to latest version yesterday)...

Does anyone know

  1. if it is possible to disable/configure Ripple on existing components (md-tab-group in this case)? Latest version causes my tab headers to jump because ripple is calculating large values, solution is to add a small value for md-ripple-max-radius for md-tab-label directly in the template of MdTabGroup.
  2. if there are plans to remove min-width for md-tab-labels? I'm working with a quite small tab group (only 300px width), therefore 160px min-width is not usable.

Thank you!

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Cleudi Avatar asked Dec 15 '16 10:12


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How do I disable mat ripple?

The animation of ripples can be disabled by using the animation global option. If the enterDuration and exitDuration is being set to 0 , ripples will just appear without any animation.

What is MDC ripple?

MDC Ripple provides the JavaScript and CSS required to provide components (or any element at all) with a material "ink ripple" interaction effect. It is designed to be efficient, uninvasive, and usable without adding any extra DOM to your elements.

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1 Answers

Use disableRipple as an attribute to disable ripples for the md-tab-group as Angular2+ using the Angular material.

Just simply do something like this:

<md-tab-group disableRipple></md-tab-group> 

Also if you are using the latest Angular Material, it's a little bit different like this below:

<mat-tab-group [disableRipple]="true"></mat-tab-group> 
like image 137
Alireza Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09
