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Angular js way to download file and show loading screen using the $resource

I am using Angular js to show loading screen. It works for all the REST services call except REST service to download the file. I understand why it is not working because for download I am not making any service call using $resource; instead of that I am using normal approach to download the file therefore Angular js code doesn't have any control on start/finish the service request. I tried to use $resource to hit this REST service however I am getting the data from this service and in this case loading screen was working fine however not sure how to use this data to display to user to download in angular way. Following are required details. Please help.

Approach 1 using iframe approach:

 /*Download file */
            scope.downloadFile = function (fileId) {
                //Show loading screen. (Somehow it is not working)
                var fileDownloadURL = "/api/files/" + fileId + "/download";
              //Hide loading screen

            var $idown;  // Keep it outside of the function, so it's initialized once.
            var downloadURL = function (url) {
                if ($idown) {
                    $idown.attr('src', url);
                } else {
                    $idown = $('<iframe>', { id: 'idown', src: url }).hide().appendTo('body');

Approach 2 using $resource (Not sure how to display data on screen to download)

/*Download file */
            scope.downloadFile = function (fileId) {
                //Show loading screen (Here loading screen works).  
                  //File download object
                    var fileDownloadObj = new DownloadFile();
                 //Make server call to create new File
                    fileDownloadObj.$get({ fileid: fileid }, function (response) {
                        //Q? How to use the response data to display on UI as download popup
                        //Hide loading screen

like image 763
joy Avatar asked Sep 30 '13 16:09


1 Answers

This is the correct pattern with the $resource service:

scope.downloadFile = function (fileId) {
    //Show loading screen (Here loading screen works).  
    var FileResource = $resource('/api/files/:idParam', {idParam:'@id'});
    //Make server call to retrieve a file
    var yourFile = FileResource.$get({ id: fileId }, function () {
        //Now (inside this callback) the response data is loaded inside the yourFile variable
        //I know it's an ugly pattern but that's what $resource is about...
        //Hide loading screen

I agree with you that this is a weird pattern and is different of other APIs where the downloaded data is assigned to a parameter in a callback function, hence your confusion.

Pay attention to the names and the cases of the parameters, and look that there're two mappings involved here, one between the caller to the $resource object and the object itself, and another between this object and the url that it contructs for downloading the actual data.

like image 151
Vi100 Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 01:11
