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angularJS $broadcast and $on

is there a way to make the $broadcast propagate the variable to the $on during initialization phase?

<div ng-app='test'>
    <div ng-controller='testCtrl'> <span>{{testContent}}</span> 
    <div ng-controller="testCtrl2">
        <input type='text' ng-change="updateContent()" ng-model="testContent2" />


var app = angular.module('test', []);
app.factory('sharedContent', function ($rootScope) {
    var standardContent;
    var resizeProportion;
    return {
        setStandardContent: function (newStandardContent) {
            standardContent = newStandardContent;
        getStandardContent: function () {
            return standardContent;
        setResizeProportion: function (newResizeProportion) {
app.run(function (sharedContent) {

function testCtrl($scope, sharedContent) {
    $scope.$on('updateContent', function () {
        $scope.testContent = sharedContent.getStandardContent();

function testCtrl2($scope, sharedContent) {
    $scope.testContent2 = 'test';
    $scope.updateContent = function () {

Sample fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/jiaming/NsVPe/

The span will display the value as the input changes, which is due to the ng-change function.

However, at initialization phase, the value "haha" was not propagated to the $scope.testContent and thus, nothing was shown at first runtime. Is there a way to make the value "haha" appear at the first runtime?

Thank you.

like image 923
jiaming Avatar asked Jun 05 '13 07:06


People also ask

What is $emit $broadcast and $on in AngularJS?

Broadcast: We can pass the value from parent to child (i.e parent -> child controller.) Emit: we can pass the value from child to parent (i.e.child ->parent controller.) On: catch the event dispatched by $broadcast or $emit .

What is $broadcast in AngularJS?

$broadcast() as well as $emit() allow you to raise an event in your AngularJS application. The difference between $broadcast() and $emit() is that the former sends the event from the current controller to all of its child controllers. That means $broadcast() sends an even downwards from parent to child controllers.

What is rootScope and scope in AngularJS?

Root Scope All applications have a $rootScope which is the scope created on the HTML element that contains the ng-app directive. The rootScope is available in the entire application. If a variable has the same name in both the current scope and in the rootScope, the application uses the one in the current scope.

Is there no equivalent to scope emit () or scope Broadcast () in Angular?

Both $broadcast() and $emit() allow you to raise an event in your AngularJS application, using the event system of $scope and $rootScope . Again, there is no equivalent to this in modern Angular. If you are looking for a permanent fix during your migration to Angular, you will need an architectural level solution.

1 Answers

Just provide a little delay using $timeout function. Just update the code in the factory it will start working.

Please refer the code below for the factory:

app.factory('sharedContent', function ($rootScope,$timeout) {
    var standardContent;
    var resizeProportion;
    return {
        setStandardContent: function (newStandardContent) {
            standardContent = newStandardContent;
        getStandardContent: function () {
            return standardContent;
        setResizeProportion: function (newResizeProportion) {
like image 116
Ankur Rathi Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10

Ankur Rathi