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Angular is it possible to detect if query Paramter has changed?

Angular is it possible to detect if query Paramter has changed? I have a Component that handles 2 query paramters and according to what paramter you come with it sets some variables true or false. The Problem is if im on my component with queryparameter 1 the qp can change to the second paramter without leaving the component and in that case i need to set variables diffrently. So how do I detect that? Is that even possible?

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Kajot Avatar asked Dec 28 '17 07:12


2 Answers

You can subscribe to the params in the root component

constructor(route:ActivatedRoute) {
    route.queryParams.subscribe(p => console.log(p.myQueryParam)); // you can also do this in ngOnInit

See also https://angular.io/api/router/ActivatedRoute

You can have query params on other route levels as well, but then they are called matrix parameters.

See also the end of this section https://angular.io/guide/router#route-parameters-required-or-optional

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Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10

Günter Zöchbauer

You can subscribe to the params observable provided by ActivatedRoute module to observe changes in the query parameters.

constructor(private route:ActivatedRoute) {
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Avinash Dangi Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Avinash Dangi