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Angular $http.get "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token )" No file reference, let alone a line number

I'm at my rope's end on this one. I am getting this error in seemingly random places in my app. Raven reports them from a couple dozen locations but I can only replicate a couple locally. It seems to me that the problem has something to do with the parsing of the JSON response but the responses are valid.

In my Angular service...

getThread: function(id, success, error) {

In my Express controller...


Here's a sample response...

    "id": 79,
    "body": "test",
    "senderArchived": false,
    "recipientArchived": false,
    "createdAt": "2014-04-17T01:44:46.762Z",
    "updatedAt": "2014-04-17T01:44:46.762Z",
    "RootMessageId": 69,
    "SenderId": 164050,
    "RecipientId": 154040,
    "sender": {
      "username": "boca",
      "id": 164050,
      "primaryMedium": null
    "recipient": {
      "username": "quimby",
      "id": 154040,
      "primaryMedium": {
        "id": "186",
        "type": "image",
        "nativeURL": "https://domain/imageurl.jpg",
        "mediumURL": "https://domain/imageurl.jpg",
        "smallURL": "https://domain/imageurl.jpg",
        "createdAt": "2014-04-21T15:52:10.927Z",
        "updatedAt": "2014-04-21T15:52:10.947Z",
        "CommentId": null,
        "EventId": null,
        "UserId": 154040,
        "PostId": null,
        "MessageId": null,
        "MediaFolderId": null
    "messageMedia": []

In both Chrome and Safari this results in error "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token )"

Here's the request headers from Chrome...

Remote Address:
Request URL:https://localhost:3001/message/69
Request Method:GET
Status Code:200 OK

Request Headers
Accept:application/json, text/plain, */*
Cookie:streamLoc=%7B%22distance%22%3A-1%2C%22locName%22%3A%22%22%7D; usePostLocation=yes; connect.sid=s%3AhX37rupUct2jut4yApN1GIH9.n5nPURTMXl5OKd46rMqeRc4bg1Q%2F%2Bky0El2r%2BcBvC8c; user=%7B%22id%22%3A154040%2C%22role%22%3A%7B%22bitMask%22%3A32%2C%22title%22%3A%22admin%22%7D%2C%22username%22%3A%22quimby%22%2C%22emailVerified%22%3Atrue%2C%22verified%22%3Atrue%7D
User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.131 Safari/537.36

Response Headers
Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8
Date:Tue, 29 Apr 2014 02:41:47 GMT

Every other similar question has pointed to JSONP or actual syntax problems but I'm not using JSONP and there are not any code syntax problems.

like image 275
E-Madd Avatar asked Nov 02 '22 00:11


2 Answers

Since I don't know your exact situation, I can't provide the exact anwer. However, this is my try.

I see that your service is not returning anything, but processing success and error functions within it.

getThread: function(id, success, error) {
  1. Is your error(error) is correct? I assume you are passing error function as a parameter, but I see inconsistency between success(data) and error

  2. This is recommendation. I think you should change your service only return promise, and do not process anything. So, it should look like this.

    getThread: function(id) {
       return $http.get('/message/'+id);

    Then your controller handles success and error, so that you can see all success messages and error messages. So, controller will have a code like the following

      function(data) {....}, 
      function(error) {....}

Having data processing logic in your controller will give you much more difficulty in debugging.

I would recommend you to process http data in your controller, not in a service.

like image 190
allenhwkim Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 03:11


  • Your error seems related to some JSon parsing function
  • Your sample response header say "application/json; charset=utf-8"

Given this, looks that you don't need to use any parsing function, something is missing.

If you can not always reproduce it, I would enable recording network calls, so you can see retrieve exactly what response(s) give troubles.

like image 42
Fabio Bonfante Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 03:11

Fabio Bonfante