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Angular firestore query to firestore document

I have below query

    selectedUser$: AngularFirestoreDocument<any>;
    this.selectedUser$ = this.userCollection.ref.where('uid', '==', key)

Throwing error

Type 'Query' is not assignable to type 'AngularFirestoreDocument'. Property 'ref' is missing in type 'Query'.

I tried

this.selectedUser$ = this.userCollection.ref.where('uid', '==', key).get()

no success

Basically, I want the query to return firestore document

like image 525
Md. Parvez Alam Avatar asked Aug 29 '18 06:08

Md. Parvez Alam

2 Answers

The error your getting is because you're mixing the firebase native api & angularfire.

selectedUser$: AngularFirestoreDocument<any>;

Calling .ref on your AngularFirestoreCollection converts it to type firebase.firestore.CollectionReference

That being said, there are 2 possibilities to solve your issue:

Using angularfire:

I'm assuming your userCollection looks something like this: this.afs.collection<User>. Since you're querying a collection, there is no way to ensure your query predicate uid == key is unique in firebase. So you query the collection and limit() the result. This will return you an array with one document. flatMap()will return you a single user.

this.afs.collection<User>('users', ref => ref.where('uid', '==', key).limit(1))
       flatMap(users=> users)

Using the firebase native api:

const query = this.usersCollection.ref.where('uid', '==', key);
query.get().then(querySnapshot => {
    if (querySnapshot.empty) {
        console.log('no data found');
    } else if (querySnapshot.size > 1) {
        console.log('no unique data');
    } else {
        querySnapshot.forEach(documentSnapshot => {
            this.selectedUser$ = this.afs.doc(documentSnapshot.ref);
            // this.afs.doc(documentSnapshot.ref).valueChanges().subscribe(console.log);

This way it's a bit easier to chain multiple .where clauses if it's needed

like image 96
Tim Martens Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10

Tim Martens

This worked for me with the latest versions: 2021-July


PS: I'm using get() and no event listener.

like image 42
Ashique razak Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10

Ashique razak