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Angular Directive in Jade

I have an AngularJS's directive, and calling it in Jade Template by using:

input(auto-complete, ui-items='merchants.name', ng-model='selected')

I need to have auto-complete as it is (without = sign), but it's HTML is shown as

<input class="ng-pristine ng-valid" ng-model="selected" ui-items="merchants.name" auto-complete="auto-complete">

How can I eliminate ="auto-complete" ?

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Zeeshan Avatar asked Jun 06 '14 10:06


1 Answers

Just hit this too. Everything seems good when you have doctype html at the beginning of the .jade file.

If you cannot add that to the file (when it's a partial html, etc.), pass {doctype: 'html'} as option when you call Jade:

jade -O "{doctype:'html'}" partial.jade
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Gildor Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
