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How to interact with isolate scope variable within a directive controller?

I have directive myDirective, that has an two-way binding isolate scope. When the user clicks a button, I want to change the isolate scope to be a value. I thought isolate scopes were bound to the $scope, but I am wrong. How do I 'grab' and interact with that isolate scope? Are they not attached to the directive controller's scope?

angular.module("app", [])
.controller("myCtrl", function($scope){
    $scope.ctrlTwoway = "Eggs";
.directive("myDirective", function(){
    return {
        scope: {
          twoway: =
        template: "<button ng-click="changeTwoway()">Change two way isolate scope</button>",
        controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs){
            $scope.changeTwoway = function(){
                // get twoway from isolate scope, and update the value with "bacon"
                // $scope.twoway = "bacon" doesn't work 
                // nor does $attrs.twoway = "bacon" work, either :(

And the HTML

<div my-directive twoway="{{ctrlTwoway}}"></div>
Current value: {{ctrlTwoway}}
like image 345
Andrew Allbright Avatar asked Oct 24 '13 14:10

Andrew Allbright

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You just create a myVar variable in your controller and pass it to the directive using my-var attribute. Since you are using two way binding, any changes made to myVar by the directive are available in your controller. You can put a watch on myVar to track the changes. Show activity on this post.

What is isolate scope?

Isolated scope directive is a scope that does not inherit from the parent and exist on its own. Scenario: Lets create a very simple directive which will show the object from the parent controller. var demoApp = angular.module('demoApp', []); demoApp.directive('myDirective', function() {

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Isolate Scope: If the need is to reuse the component (directive) throughout your app, consider creating isolate scopes using scope option. The concept of isolate scope is used to separate the scope inside a directive from the scope outside.

1 Answers

I created a plunker with working version.

You don't need to put {{variable}} on on the twoway="". Just change to twoway="ctrlTwoway" to work.

Another thing is that the way that you declare the binding. You are using = instead of '='.

Another thing is: try to use the link function instead of controller function in directives. It's a good practice and the right place if you want to manipulate DOM elements.


I hope it helps.

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Deividi Cavarzan Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 08:10

Deividi Cavarzan