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Angular CLI Generate Library with SASS

I have an Angular6 app that I am trying to create a library for. I was able to generate a library project but when I generate the component for the library, Angular CLI is creating it with .css files.

How can I get it to create .scss files?

Here are the commands I'm using to create the project:

ng new example-app --style=scss
rename example-app example
cd example
ng generate library example --prefix=exam --style=scss
ng generate component test --project=example

The --style=scss option on the ng generate library command does not have an effect, I still get CSS files in my test component folder.

like image 344
Chris Avatar asked Jun 12 '18 13:06


People also ask

How does Angular integrate with Sass?

In the Angular CLI, all components are self-contained and so are their Sass files. In order to use a variable from within a component's Sass file, you'll need to import the _variables. scss file. One way to do this is to @import with a relative path from the component.

Can I use SCSS in CSS Angular project?

With the help of Angular CLI, you can install CSS or SCSS on your project and start working on that in a suitable way. If you are working with the CSS or SCSS in your angular project then it is very easy for you as compared to most other frameworks.

1 Answers

You can fix it by overriding schematics for your project in your angular.json like in the example below:

"example": {
    "root": "projects/example",
    "sourceRoot": "projects/example/src",
    "projectType": "library",
    "prefix": "exam",
    "schematics": {
      "@schematics/angular:component": {
        "styleext": "scss"

or you can set this value via angular-cli like so:

ng config schematics.@schematics/angular:component.styleext scss

After that try to generate component, it should have scss extension.

EDIT (replace styleExt with style):

As per this closed ticket https://github.com/ngrx/platform/issues/2248 with new version of Angular CLI styleExt has been replaced with style - I tested it in two libraries that are using Angular anf Angular CLI versions 8.

like image 137
Efe Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 03:09
