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Angular @NgModule imports don`t see modules if use a [].concat() for combine several arrays

I have a lot of modules and want to sort and split it by several arrays by types

const aModules: any[] = [

const bModules: any[] = [

It will works if use a spread operator

imports: [Module0, ...aModules, ...bModules]

But it not works if use a concat method, any components will not works if use next approach:

imports: [Module0].concat(aModules, bModules)

What difference for typescript compiler for this both methods? Cause if we see

console.log([Module0, ...aModules, ...bModules]);
console.log([Module0].concat(aModules, bModules));

Both results looks the same

like image 446
Maksym Petrenko Avatar asked Aug 06 '19 19:08

Maksym Petrenko

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1 Answers

It's difficult to answer this question, because this aspect of the Angular compiler doesn't have much documentation. Under the hood the AOT compiler rewrites a lot of the metadata used by the decorators, and I would suspect this is an example of something it can not transform correctly.

I can tell you that this has nothing to do with TypeScript or JavaScript. It is a problem with the AOT compiler.

You can read about transformers in this blog:


You can find the source code to the transformers here:


like image 120
Reactgular Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
