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angular 9 dependency injection error. " The class cannot be created via dependency injection, as it does not have an Angular decorator



The same code worked for me in angular 8 but now it's giving me this error. "The class 'BaseService' cannot be created via dependency injection, as it does not have an Angular decorator. This will result in an error at runtime.

Either add the @Injectable() decorator to 'BaseService', or configure a different provider (such as a provider with 'useFactory')."

I'm only trying to achieve simple inheritence here.

1) BaseService.ts (parent class)

import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment';
import { HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http';

export class BaseService {
    constructor(postfixUrl) {
        this.url = environment.backendUrl + postfixUrl

    setUpHeaders() {
       return {
           headers: new HttpHeaders({
               'Content-Type': 'application/json'

2) AuthService.ts (child class)

import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http'
import { BaseService } from './base.service';

    providedIn: 'root'

export class AuthService extends BaseService {
    constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
    register(user) {
        return this.http.post(this.url, user, this.setUpHeaders())

3) auth.module.ts

  declarations: [
  imports: [

  providers: [AuthService, BaseService]
export class AuthModule { }

the error

like image 788
Arpit Avatar asked Apr 07 '20 13:04


People also ask

What decorator must be used for dependency injection?

The @Injectable decorator should be added to any service that uses dependency injection (DI). The @Injectable decorator is not compulsory to add if you don't use the 'providedIn' option.

What is the injectable () decorator used for?

Injectable() decorator is used to inject other services or objects into your service. If your service do not have any dependencies then you don't need to add Injectable() decorator.

What is injectable decorator in Angular?

The @Injectable() decorator defines a class as a service in Angular and allows Angular to inject it into a component as a dependency. Likewise, the @Injectable() decorator indicates that a component, class, pipe, or NgModule has a dependency on a service. The injector is the main mechanism.

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The Inject decorator is a constructor parameter used to specify a custom provider of a dependency.

2 Answers

If you want to use a service for a single module then you do not need to use @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }).

Two steps:

  1. @Injectable() add in your service.
  2. providers: [ BaseService ] add in your module inner NgModule.
like image 78
MD Ashik Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 22:10

MD Ashik

You have added BaseService to the module providers. BaseService accepts the parameter postfixUrl in its constructor.

You should remove at least the BaseService from the providers, since Angular won't know how to resolve the parameters.

Adding a service to the module providers means that an instance of that service will be shared within that module. Adding @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) means it will be shared within the whole app.

You 2 competing methods of registering services for dependency injection, and registering BaseService is invalid.

like image 42
Kurt Hamilton Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 22:10

Kurt Hamilton