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Angular 6: Multiple configurations (twas environments)

Trying to get angular-cli to recognise multiple configurations in angular.json

C:\_dev\myapp>ng serve --configuration development Configuration 'development' could not be found in project 'myapp'. Error: Configuration 'development' could not be found in project 'myapp'. 

The snippet being:

    "configurations": {         "production": {           "fileReplacements": [             {               "replace": "src/environments/environment.ts",               "with": "src/environments/environment.production.ts"             }           ],           "optimization": true,           "outputHashing": "all",           "sourceMap": false,           "extractCss": true,           "namedChunks": false,           "aot": true,           "extractLicenses": true,           "vendorChunk": false,           "buildOptimizer": true         },         "development": {           "fileReplacements": [             {               "replace": "src/environments/environment.ts",               "with": "src/environments/environment.development.ts"             }           ],           "optimization": false,           "outputHashing": "all",           "sourceMap": true,           "extractCss": true,           "namedChunks": true,           "aot": false,           "extractLicenses": false,           "vendorChunk": true,           "buildOptimizer": false         }       } 

src/environments/environment.development.ts does exist

ng serve --configuration production  

works fine

like image 780
jenson-button-event Avatar asked May 22 '18 22:05


1 Answers

There is a configurations entry in the build and in the serve section of the angular.json file. The serve part needs to know about your custom configuration as well. Assuming your configuration name is debug, add it to the serve section as follows

"projects": {   "myApp": {      [...]      "architect": {        "build": {          [...]          "configurations": {            "production": { [...] },            "debug": { [...] }          }        },        "serve": {          [...]          "configurations": {            "production": {              "browserTarget": "myApp:build:production"            },            "debug": {              "browserTarget": "myApp:build:debug"            }          }        }      }    }  } 

Don't forget to adjust myApp to your projects name equal to the direct child of the project section in your angular.json. Also both debug's should match your configuration in build section.

Then serve with

ng serve --configuration=debug 
like image 138
Felix Lemke Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 08:10

Felix Lemke