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Angular 6 HTML select menu set default value

I'm used to the older angularjs way of doing select menus and selecting the default value etc and am having trouble wrapping my head around how to do this in Angular (6).

I have a an array of menu items:

  fontChoices = [
      label: 'Trebuchet',
      value: "'Trebuchet MS', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif"
      label: 'Georgia',
      value: 'Georgia, times, serif'

and a variable to hold the chosen font: brandFont

My html menu is

<select [(ngModel)]="brandFont"
   <option *ngFor="let font of fontChoices"

The menu works, displays my fontChoices, and changing the selection fires my function. I can choose Georgia or Trebuchet and the css variable changes and the page updates as it should.

  setStyle(e, which) {
    document.documentElement.style.setProperty(which, e);

On page load, the css variable is set to Trebuchet. Which I can get in ngOnInit with

this.brandFont = String(styles.getPropertyValue('--font-family-brand')).trim();

My question is, how do I get the select menu to display this first choice on page load? I have tried this.brandFont = this.fontChoices[0]; but the menu selected item is empty until something is chosen from the menu.

like image 598
Steve Avatar asked Jun 26 '18 16:06


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1 Answers

Use an option with the first value like this <option [value]="defaultFont.label" selected="selected">{{defaultFont.label}}</option>

Component HTML

<select [(ngModel)]="brandFont"
   <option [value]="defaultFont.label" selected="selected">{{defaultFont.label}}
   <option *ngFor="let font of fontChoices.slice(1)"

Component ts

  brandFont: any; 
  defaultFont: any;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.defaultFont = this.fontChoices[0];
    this.brandFont = Object.assign(this.defaultFont.label);

Here is a demo stackblitz

like image 109
Abel Valdez Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Abel Valdez