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Angular 5 Update Parent Component value from child Component

Child Component TS

import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output } from '@angular/core';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';

export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
    @Output() OpenScheduleCall = new EventEmitter<boolean>();

    onLog() {

parent Component HTML :

<div [(hidden)]="OpenScheduleCall">
// content
<app-schedule-call *ngIf="!!OpenScheduleCall" [prospectid]='prospectid'  [(OpenScheduleCall)]="OpenScheduleCall"></app-schedule-call>

I am setting the values in child component but changes are not reflecting in parent component

like image 340
Developer Avatar asked Feb 05 '18 08:02


People also ask

How do you pass value from child to parent component?

To pass data from child to parent component in React:Pass a function as a prop to the Child component. Call the function in the Child component and pass the data as arguments. Access the data in the function in the Parent .

How do you pass data from child component to parent component in Angular?

The @Output() decorator in a child component or directive lets data flow from the child to the parent. @Output() marks a property in a child component as a doorway through which data can travel from the child to the parent.

How do I change parent data in child components?

To update parent data from child component with Vue. js, we should emit an event from the child component to the parent component. this. $emit("eventname", this.

How do you call parent components from a child?

To call a parent's function from a child component, pass the function reference to the child component as a prop. Then you can call that parent's function from the child component like props. parentMethodName().

2 Answers

You have not marked OpenScheduleCall as an input to the child component, so first of all you need to do that. And to achieve two-way-binding with banana in the box, your @Output needs to be the @Input variable name, with the suffix Change. So first mark the variable OpenScheduleCall as @Input to child and then change the name for @Output variable:

export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {

  @Input() OpenScheduleCall;
  @Output() OpenScheduleCallChange = new EventEmitter<boolean>();

  onLog() {

Now you have two-way-binding:

like image 186
AT82 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09


Just Output cannot be in two-way data binding. Add also () at the end of the bounded function.

like image 36
Suren Srapyan Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Suren Srapyan