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Angular 4: setting the local variable # dynamically



Is there a way to dynamically set the #id, the HTML attribute that angular uses to construct the @ViewChild element reference?

Specific need: i have the following template, created by iterating through *ngFor, and i wanted to assign the Angular id on the iteration.

   <li *ngFor="let link of links">

And after it gets interpreted, end up with something like:

  <li #link1>
  <li #link2>

Now I know of many other ways to get the elements, i can assign the # to the ul element, etc, etc, but wondering on whether there is a way to do it on the ngFor.


There doesn't seem to be a way to assign distinct local variable identifiers to the single elements generated by *ngFor. You can either get them all, like the accepted answer suggests, or just get the parent element, and find your way from there.

like image 476
amy8374 Avatar asked Dec 21 '17 23:12


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2 Answers

Despite the seeming resemblance between regular variables and #, multiple elements can be assigned to single local template reference variable:

   <li *ngFor="let link of links" #linkRef></li>

Which can be obtained with:

@ViewChildren('linkRef') linkRefs;
like image 191
Estus Flask Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Estus Flask

You can use like this code:

    <li *ngFor="let item of items;let i = index;" #itemRef{{i}}>{{item.xyz}}</li>

Look this question: enter link description here

like image 39
Wang Xiao Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Wang Xiao