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angular 4 how to access ViewChildren _results

i have a list of checkboxes inside an ngFor:

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i refrence them in the component like so:

@ViewChildren("hangcheck") hangchecks: QueryList<any>;

then in ngAfterViewInit i need to loop them:

console.log('the array: ',this.hangchecks)
this.hangchecks._results.forEach((item) => {
  console.log('the item: ',item)

but i get: Property '_results' is private and only accessible within class 'QueryList' in the console i see this: enter image description here so as you can see there is the array in the _results. but how can i access it and loop it?

like image 293
Ron Avatar asked Aug 03 '17 11:08


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1 Answers

To access elements, you have to wait until its ready

this.hangchecks.changes.subscribe(a => a.forEach((b, i) => console.log(b)));
like image 190
Mert Aksoy Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Mert Aksoy