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Angular 4 extend and implement

I have a class Hero which needs to extend GoogleCharts class. I also need to implement OnInit to get the some data from params.

How can I do this?

like image 490
Radu Pop Avatar asked Jun 14 '17 13:06

Radu Pop

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1 Answers

Just like this:

export class Hero extends GoogleCharts implements OnInit {...

If GoogleCharts already implements OnInit you should call super.ngOnInit(); before doing other stuff in your ngOnInit method.

Like this:

interface OnInit {
    ngOnInit: () => void;

class GoogleCharts implements OnInit{

    ngOnInit() {
        //does some stuff here


class Hero extends GoogleCharts implements OnInit{

    ngOnInit() {
        //do my stuff here

like image 54
Spitzbueb Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10
