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Angular 4, custom ErrorHandler doesn't recognize custom Error

I tried to create a custom global ErrorHandler and followed the instruction detailed here

application-error-handler (just the important parts)

export class ApplicationErrorHandler extends ErrorHandler {

    constructor(private injector: Injector) {

    handleError(error: any): void {

        if (error instanceof ApplicationError || error.originalError instanceof ApplicationError) {
        else {


 providers: [
        provide: ErrorHandler,
        useClass: ApplicationErrorHandler

app.component (only the important part)

public ngOnInit(): void { 
    const error = new ApplicationError();
    error.message = "fehler";
    throw error;


export class ApplicationError implements Error {
    name: string;
    message: string;
    httpStatus?: number = 404;
    applicationStatus?: number;
    errorMessageTranslationkey: string;
    handled: boolean = false;

in my app.component I throw an ApplicationError (in ngOnInit), my ErrorHandler gets called successfully. But my error in handleError is always of type Error and error.originalError is always undefined no matter if I throw my custom error and there the if will never resolve to true.

I have no idea why and how this happens. What I see is that the error gets, so I assume, wrapped because when I debug I see error: Error: [object: Object] at viewWrappedDebugError (vendor.bundle.js)

Any idea what might cause this issue and how I can resolve it?

EDIT As suspected it has something to do with Debugmode. As soon as I enable prodmode with enableProdMode(); it works as expected.

Still this doesn't really answer my question yet.

How can I handle my custom error in angular's debug mode?

like image 953
Arikael Avatar asked May 22 '17 08:05


1 Answers

You encounter this problem because ApplicationError is not an Error.

You can use the following code in order to create a custom error:

export class ApplicationError extends Error {

  httpStatus?: number = 404;
  applicationStatus?: number;
  errorMessageTranslationkey: string;
  handled: boolean = false;

  constructor(message?: string) {
    this.name = ApplicationError.name;
    Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ApplicationError.prototype);

Related to the topic of creating a custom error, check also these links in order to have a full idea on the subject:

  • extending Error, Array, Map in TypeScript referenced here
  • Error - Custom Error Types section

Why this needs to be an instance of Error? Because your error pass through the following method:

function viewWrappedDebugError(err, context) {
    if (!(err instanceof Error)) {
        // errors that are not Error instances don't have a stack,
        // so it is ok to wrap them into a new Error object...
        err = new Error(err.toString());
    _addDebugContext(err, context);
    return err;

Code available at errors.ts.

Therefore if you are not throwing an Error instance, then a new instance is created.

Intercepting uncatched promises in ErrorHandler

Another error case is when you return a promise which becomes rejected, from your method that is called by the Angular lifecycle (eg: handler, lifecycle-hook).

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

  ngOnInit() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => reject(new ApplicationError()));

Therefore the error handling code can look like:

import {ErrorHandler, Injectable, Injector} from "@angular/core";
import {ApplicationError} from "./ApplicationError";

export class ApplicationErrorHandler extends ErrorHandler {

  private errors: ApplicationError[] = [];

  constructor(private injector: Injector) {

  handleError(error: any): void {

    if (error instanceof ApplicationError) {
    else {
      if(error.rejection instanceof ApplicationError) {
      else {

  addError(error: ApplicationError) {
like image 96
andreim Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10
