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Angular 4, convert http response observable to object observable

I'm new to the concepts of observables and need some help with a conversion.
I have a service which returns an Observable<Response> from a Http request, but I need to convert it do an Observable<PriceTag> to use it on a DataSource inside the connect method.
Is there anyway to do this?

This is the method from my service:

getPriceTags(): Observable<Response> {

    // Set the request headers
    const headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });

    // Returns the request observable
    return this.http.post(Constants.WEBSERVICE_ADDRESS + "/priceTag", null, {headers: headers});


And here is the DataSource class where I need to return it as an Observable<PriceTag>:

export class PriceTagDataSource extends DataSource<PriceTag> {

    constructor (private priceTagService: PriceTagService) {

    connect(): Observable<PriceTag> {

        // Here I retrieve the Observable<Response> from my service
        const respObs = this.priceTagService.getPriceTags();

        // Now I need to return a Observable<PriceTag> 


    disconnect() {}


Here's an example from the response from my request:

    // This object is used to check if the query on the server was sucessful
    "query": {
        "sucessful": true

    // These are my PriceTags 
    "tags": [
            "id": "1",
            "name": "MAIN"
            "id": "2",
            "name": "CARD"
like image 590
Rafael Avatar asked Aug 22 '17 21:08


2 Answers

As of angular 4.3 this can be done automatically.


export class SomeService {
    constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}  // <--- NOTE: HttpClient instead of Http

    getSome(): Observable<MyAwesomeObject> {
        return this.http.get<MyAwesomeObject>('myUrl');

So in your case that would be:

return this.http.post<PriceTag>(Constants.WEBSERVICE_ADDRESS + "/priceTag", null, {headers: headers});

Again, use the HttpClient instead of Http

like image 107
Robin Dijkhof Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 19:11

Robin Dijkhof

I guess your HTTP Response is a JSON containing a PriceTag? The issue is that you want to create a PriceTag object. You can just convert the json to a PriceTag by type casting, but then it won't be a real PriceTag object.

The way we have resolved this is:

export class Serializable {
  constructor(json?: any) {
    if (json) {
      Object.assign(this, json);

And then a serializable class:

export class PriceTag extends Serializable {}

Then, your GetPriceTags function needs to be changed to:

getPriceTags(): Observable<PriceTag> {

    // Set the request headers
    const headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });

    // Returns the request observable
    return this.http.post(Constants.WEBSERVICE_ADDRESS + "/priceTag", null, {headers: headers})
    .map(res => new PriceTag(res.json()));

like image 5
Boland Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 20:11
