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Angular 2- using *ngIf with multiple conditions


I'm unable to selectively display links on my nav-bar. Based on who logs in (user or admin), I want to change which link shows on my nav-bar.

Below is the code for one such instance where the user/admin logs out.

In navbar.component.html -

<li *ngIf="authService.userLoggedIn()== true && authService.adminLoggedIn() == false"         [routerLinkActive]="['active']" [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{exact:true}">    <a (click)="onUserLogoutClick()" href="#">Logout</a> </li>  <li *ngIf="(authService.adminLoggedIn() == true) && (authService.userLoggedIn() == false)"        [routerLinkActive]="['active']" [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{exact:true}">    <a (click)="onAdminLogoutClick()" href="#">Logout</a> </li> 

Both authService.adminLoggedIn() and authService.userLoggedIn() return tokenNotExpired;

Below is the relevant code in the navbar.component.ts -

 onUserLogoutClick() {    this.authService.userLogout();    this.flashMessage.show('You are now logged out', {cssClass: 'alert-success', timeout: 3000});    this.router.navigate(['/login']);    return false;     }   onAdminLogoutClick() {    this.authService.adminLogout();    this.flashMessage.show('Administrator now logged out', {cssClass: 'alert-success', timeout: 3000});    this.router.navigate(['/admin']);    return false;     } 

The authService.adminLogout() and authService.userLogout() just clears the token stored in local storage.

I apologize in advance if the mistake that I've made is silly. I'm new to Angular.

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Shakir Jameel Avatar asked Mar 25 '17 21:03

Shakir Jameel

People also ask

Can we use two conditions in ngIf?

We can use multiple conditions in *ngIf with logical operator AND (&&) to decide the trustworthy of *ngIf expression. If all conditions are true, then element will be added to the DOM.

What is * in * ngIf in Angular?

A shorthand form of the directive, *ngIf="condition" , is generally used, provided as an attribute of the anchor element for the inserted template. Angular expands this into a more explicit version, in which the anchor element is contained in an <ng-template> element.

What is * in * ngIf?

The * syntax means that ngIf is a structural directive, meaning that it affects the structure of the page.

2 Answers

You can move these multiline conditions and complex conditions to your component method as below

showLogout(){     if(this.authService.userLoggedIn()== true && this.authService.adminLoggedIn() == false)         return true;     else         return false; } 

Also, as the angular4 has *ngIf and else you can use it as

 <div *ngIf="showLogout();then userLogout else adminlogout"></div>  <ng-template #userLogout><a (click)="onUserLogoutClick()" href="#">Logout</a></li></ng-template> <ng-template #adminlogout><a (click)="onAdminLogoutClick()" href="#">Logout</a></li></ng-template> 
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Aravind Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10


authService.userLoggedIn() or authService.adminLoggedIn() in your expression wouldn't keep your template informed about who is logged in as your function is invoked only once.

Try make them getter in your service:

  get userLoggedIn(): boolean {     return this.who.user; // your logic   } 

Then in your template:

<li *ngIf="authService.userLoggedIn && !authService.adminLoggedIn"... 
like image 27
bob Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 06:10
