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Angular 2 template tags say object is undefined

Dealing with strange issue in Angular 2.

If you look in the component below, the service returns a parsed object – for instance I can console.log it. You can see the output pasted as a comment. Whenever I try to use said object in the view, I get an error: EXCEPTION: TypeError: Cannot read property 'subject' of undefined in [{{theData.subject}} in SubjectHomeComponent@2:27].

This doesn't make sense to me as I can see the object in console just fine. Running typeof also returns that it's an object.

Component Code

import { Component, View } from 'angular2/core'
import { CORE_DIRECTIVES } from 'angular2/common'
import {SubjectService} from "../../services/subject/SubjectService.ts";
import Rx from 'rxjs/Rx'
import { Response } from 'angular2/http'
import {ROUTER_PROVIDERS} from "angular2/router";
import {RouteParams} from "angular2/router";

    selector: 'subjectHomeComponent',
    providers: [SubjectService]

    template: `
        Hello World <span>{{theData.subject}}</span>

export class SubjectHomeComponent{
    constructor(subjectService: SubjectService, params: RouteParams){
        this.id = params.get('id')

            .subscribe((res: Response) => {
                this.theData = res
                console.log(res) //returns {"subject":{"id":1,"name":"Spanish","created_at":"2016-01-23T06:54:50.321Z","updated_at":"2016-01-23T06:54:50.321Z"},"subject_id":1,"notes":[{"id":1,"title":"first note","body":"here i am!","created_at":"2016-01-27T03:10:09.238Z","updated_at":"2016-01-27T03:10:09.238Z","subject_id":1},{"id":2,"title":"first_note","body":"hello _buddy_","created_at":"2016-01-28T20:45:36.044Z","updated_at":"2016-01-28T20:45:36.044Z","subject_id":1}]}


Service Code (Which I don't think is relevant but you never know)

import {Injectable} from "angular2/core";
import {Http, HTTP_PROVIDERS, Response} from "angular2/http";
import Rx from 'rxjs/Rx'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';

export class SubjectService{
    constructor(public http: Http){


      return this.http.request('/subjects.json')
          .map((response) => response.json())
        return this.http.request(`subjects/${id}/subject_cards_and_notes.json`)
            .map((response) => response.json())
like image 447
bill-lamin Avatar asked Jan 28 '16 22:01


1 Answers

Try: {{theData?.subject}} or <span *ngIf="theData">{{theData.subject}}</span>.

The why is in lots of duplicated questions:

Angular 2: TypeError: l_thing0 is undefined in [{{thing.title}} in AppComponent@4:44]

like image 92
Langley Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 11:11
