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Angular 2: set hover properties using ngStyle

I am trying to set the hover property states using [ngStyle].

The following only sets the normal state colors. When I mouse over the button, the button does not change to the pressed colors as expected.

<button (click)="logout()" 
    class="btn register-button"
    [ngStyle]=" hover ? 
        {'color': theme.logoutButtonColorPressed,
         'border-color': theme.logoutButtonBorderColorPressed,
         'background-color': theme.logoutButtonBackgroundColorPressed}:
        {'color': theme.logoutButtonColorNormal,
         'border-color': theme.logoutButtonBorderColorNormal,
         'background-color': theme.logoutButtonBackgroundColorNormal}"> 
like image 241
user2182570 Avatar asked Feb 18 '17 19:02


People also ask

How do I add hover to ngStyle?

if you want to switch styles on hover, add the following to the button <button (mouseover)="hover=true" (mouseleave)="hover=false" ...

Can we use NgClass and ngStyle together?

Combining NgStyle and NgClass Directives with our knowledge of Angular Template Syntax, we can marry conditional styling with Angular's Property & Event Binding.

How do you bind ngStyle?

The square brackets around the directive indicate that the NgStyle directive has an input property also called ngStyle. It is a common pattern to define the directive and bind to its input property at the same time. This is how we can pass our style information to the ngStyle directive.

2 Answers

If you want to switch styles on hover, add the following to the button

<button (mouseover)="hover=true" (mouseleave)="hover=false"...
like image 88
Max Koretskyi Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 11:09

Max Koretskyi

If you are in need of selecting individual buttons by changing ngstyle, this is what I did.


<div *ngIf="socketData && socketData.status === 'ok'">
    <div *ngFor="let button of socketData.message; let i = index"
         [ngStyle]="hovered === i ? pressedStyle(button) : buttonStyle(button)"
         (mouseover)="hovered = i"
         (mouseout)="hovered = -1"

      {{button.someImportantData}} - {{button.yetMoreImportantData}}


export class ButtonComponent implements OnInit {


    private buttonStyle(button) {
        let btnType = this.setBtnType(button);

        this.style = {
            'color': '#' + button.textColor,
            'font-size': button.textSize + 'px',
            'background-color': btnType.background
        return this.style;

    private pressedStyle(button) {
        let pressed = this.setBtnType(button, this.hovered);
        this.style['background-color'] = pressed.background;

        return this.style;

    private setBtnType(button, hovered?) {
        let type = 'normal';
        let btn = {
            normal: {
                background: '#' + button.backColor,
            pressed: {
                background: '#' + button.backColor,


        if(hovered > -1) type = 'pressed';

        return {
            border: btn[type].width + ' ' + btn[type].color + ' ' + 'solid',
            background: btn[type].background


Hope this helps someone :)

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Joseph Briggs Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09

Joseph Briggs