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Angular 2 - Pipe reuse in multiple modules - error not found or duplicate definition

Im working on angular 2 final release.

I have declared two modules: main app and one for the settings page.

The main module is declaring globally pipes. This module is also including the settings module.


@NgModule({     imports: [BrowserModule, HttpModule, routing, FormsModule, SettingsModule],     declarations: [AppComponent, JsonStringifyPipe],     bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { } 


@NgModule({     imports: [CommonModule, HttpModule, FormsModule, routing],     declarations: [SettingsComponent],     exports: [SettingsComponent],     providers: [] }) export class SettingsModule { } 

When trying to use the pipe in the settings module I'm getting an error that the pipe could not be found.

zone.min.js?cb=bdf3d3f:1 Unhandled Promise rejection: Template parse errors: The pipe 'jsonStringify' could not be found ("         <td>{{user.name}}</td>                     <td>{{user.email}}</td>                     <td>[ERROR ->]{{user | jsonStringify}}</td>                     <td>{{ user.registered }}</td>                 </tr"): ManageSettingsComponent@44:24 ; Zone: <root> ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: Error: Template parse  

If I include the pipe into the settings module it complains about the two modules having same pipe.

zone.min.js?cb=bdf3d3f:1 Error: Error: Type JsonStringifyPipe is part of the declarations of 2 modules: SettingsModule and AppModule! Please consider moving JsonStringifyPipe to a higher module that imports SettingsModule and AppModule. You can also create a new NgModule that exports and includes JsonStringifyPipe then import that NgModule in SettingsModule and AppModule. 


@Pipe({name: 'jsonStringify'}) export class JsonStringifyPipe implements PipeTransform {     transform(object) {         // Return object as a string         return JSON.stringify(object);     } } 

Any idea about this?

like image 740
kitimenpolku Avatar asked Oct 13 '16 07:10


1 Answers

If you want to use the pipe in a different module, then add the module where the pipe is declared to imports: [...] of the module where you want to re-use the pipe, instead of adding it to declarations: [] of multiple modules.

For example:

@NgModule({     imports: [],     declarations: [JsonStringifyPipe],     exports: [JsonStringifyPipe] }) export class JsonStringifyModule { } 
@NgModule({     imports: [       BrowserModule, HttpModule, routing, FormsModule, SettingsModule,       JsonStringifyModule],     declarations: [AppComponent],     bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { } 
@NgModule({     imports: [        CommonModule, HttpModule, FormsModule, routing,         JsonStringifyModule],     declarations: [SettingsComponent],     exports: [SettingsComponent],     providers: [] }) export class SettingsModule { } 
like image 58
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09

Günter Zöchbauer