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Angular 2 NgbModal NgbActiveModal close event modal

I'm using Angular 2, I'm working with a form modal, I have two components, from one component I open the form modal this way:

import { Component, OnInit, Output} from '@angular/core';
import { NgbModal } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
import { MyFormComponent } from '......./....';

    moduleId: module.id,
    selector: 'my-component',
    templateUrl: 'my-component.html'
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {

    private anyData: any;
    private anyDataForm: any;

        private modalService: NgbModal
    ) { }

    ngOnInit(): void {

    open() {
        const modalRef = this.modalService.open(MyFormComponent, { size: 'lg' });
        modalRef.componentInstance.anyDataForm = this.anyData;

    possibleOnCloseEvet() { 
        //Do some actions....


The open() method fires from a button on my-component.html

And on the Form component (the modal one) I use this for close the actual modal (from itself)

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { NgbActiveModal } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';

    moduleId: module.id,
    selector: 'my-form-component',
    templateUrl: 'my-form-component.html'
export class MyFormComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

    @Input() anyDataForm: any;

        public activeModal: NgbActiveModal
    ) {

    ngOnInit(): void {

    //Some form code...

    OnSubmit() {
        this.activeModal.close(); //It closes successfully

    ngOnDestroy(): void {


What I need to do is fire some kind of "on close" event on the caller component to perform some actions in the caller only when the modal is closed. (can't use event emmiter)

Is there any way for the component opener to know when the modal close? I have not found any clear example of this.

like image 800
Dany G Avatar asked Jun 16 '17 03:06

Dany G

2 Answers

Try this:

const modalRef = this.modalService.open(MyFormComponent, { size: 'lg' });
modalRef.componentInstance.anyDataForm = this.anyData;

modalRef.result.then((data) => {
  // on close
}, (reason) => {
  // on dismiss
like image 68
Adnan A. Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 08:11

Adnan A.

On my ModalformComponent


Then on my parent-component ListComponent

 this.modalRef = this.modalService.open(ModalformComponent);
 this.modalRef.componentInstance.title = 'Add Record';
 this.modalRef.result.then((result) => {
  if ( result === 'success' ) {
     this.refreshData(); // Refresh Data in table grid
}, (reason) => {
like image 6
David Njuguna Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 09:11

David Njuguna