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Angular 2: How to dynamically create ViewContainerRef

I'm trying to create modal service with ability to show arbitrary modal. Currently, to create dynamic component, I'm storing placeholder for it in view:

 <div #container></div>
 @ViewChild("dialogContainer", {read: ViewContainerRef})

And than creating component:

let factory = this.componentResolver.resolveComponentFactory(Dialog);
this.componentReference = this.dialogContainer.createComponent(factory);

Is there way to move all this logic out of component to service, with ability to create/remove view container in body, or any other DOM element?

like image 803
lexigren Avatar asked Oct 31 '16 12:10


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1 Answers

It dosen't create ViewContainerRef but It helps you create dynamically a popup window as separate Component.

I created plunker example for you, and I didn't embed it here because stackowerflow code snippet dosen't support all features which I need in order to create example :) http://embed.plnkr.co/XFQAAHDAyrRAih3RTvHH/

like image 111
igorzg Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09
