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angular 2 form level validation using components

In Angular 2 how do you add an input control in a custom component that will bind to the form control container in the parent component? (FOLLOWING CODE SIMPLIFIED FOR BREVITY)

For example, I have a form component (please note the button disabled binding)

<form [ng-form-model]="myForm">
<button [disabled]="!myForm.valid">

Now in my special input component I would like to

    <input ng-control='name' required>

ng-control='name' generates an error "No provider for ControlContainer!" I have searched for solutions and haven't found any that would allow for parent form control container validation.

I would think creating custom reusable input components that get added to a form control container would be a common scenario in Angular 2.

I cant image there there is no way add the input in the custom component to the parent form component in a way that would enable form level validation.

like image 520
JeffC Avatar asked Jan 24 '16 19:01


1 Answers

Not sure if this is the best way for your scenario, but I think it works.

You can create the Control on the parent element and pass it as @Input to the child. The child can then use it as the control on the form element.

For example (plunk):

        <input type="text" [ngFormControl]='nameControl' > 
export class specialInputComponent implements OnInit{
  @Input() nameControl;

    <form [ngFormModel]="myForm" >
       <my-special-input [nameControl]="nameControl"></my-special-input>
    <button [disabled]="!myForm.valid">Submit</button>
    directives: [specialInputComponent]
export class formComponent{
    myForm: ControlGroup;

        this.nameControl = new Control("", Validators.required );
        this.myForm = new ControlGroup({special: this.nameControl});

You could probably also pass the ControlGroup to the child and let the child add itself with addControl() but you might have to deal with the update cycle getting a little messy.

like image 195
Mark Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10
