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Angular 2 flex-layout height 100%

Angular app using Material design and flex-layout. https://github.com/angular/flex-layout

I'm trying to create a simple page layout of 2-columns on top (left=fill, right=10%), followed by a single row on the bottom of the screen. The elements are still only filling just the vertical space required for the content. The only way I've found to do this is to manually set height to 100%. Is that how I have to do it? What is wrong with this html?

<div fxLayout="column">
  <div fxLayout="row" fxFlex="90%">
    <div fxFlex="80%" class="border">
      <p>Stuff is happening here</p>
    <div fxFlex="20%" class="border">
        <li>Item 1</li>
        <li>Item 2</li>
  <div fxLayout="row" fxFlex="10%" class="border">
    <p>Bottom element</p>


enter image description here

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Ryan Langton Avatar asked Jan 15 '17 20:01

Ryan Langton

People also ask

What is fxFlexFill?

fxFlexFill. Maximizes the width and height of an element in a layout container. <div fxFlexFill></div> <div fxFlexFill></div>

Is angular Flex-Layout good?

Angular Flex-Layout library is really useful even today to quickly sprinkle CSS Flexbox or Grid layout declaratively in Angular applications. And it does save time in comparison with writing layout CSS by hand in various Angular components repetitively.

Is Flex-Layout responsive?

Flexbox provides a clean, consistent way to build out a responsive layout. Its popularity and cross-browser support make it a great resource to implement into your current or future projects.

What is fxLayout row?

fxLayout defines the flow of children elements along the main-axis or cross-axis, inside the flex container. Depending upon our layout we can pass four different values to the fxLayout attribute row,column, row-reverse and column-reverse. In addition to the fxLayout accepts other parameters like wrap and inline.

2 Answers

I have just stumbled upon this question because I had a similar problem and I solved it in a more (I believe) consistent way by using the attribute fxFlexFill of the library FlexLayout, without manually adjusting the CSS properties. In your specific case you I would include the attribute fxFlexFill in the first div element as follows:

<div fxLayout="column" fxFlexFill>

I hope this helps. Massi

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alk3mik Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10


For someone looking to do this in Angular 7, here are the possible outputs using Flex. From the illustration is the question, I'm a tad confused about the required output. So I'm laying out all three scenarios, snapshots of the output and a stackblitz playground for you to try.

1st Case The bottom div is filled with the remaining height and the text is aligned to the bottom. 1st Case - https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackoverflowcom-questions-41665737-angular-2-flex-layout-hei?file=src/app/app.component.html

If that's what you are after, the only change required in the code is the bottom div section

<div fxFlex fxLayoutAlign="start end" class="bottom-div">
    BOTTOM ELEMENT: This div is filled and text is aligned in the end

2nd Case Similar to 1st. But the text is aligned in the center Case2: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackoverflowcom-questions-41665737-angular-2-flex-layout-hei?file=src/app/app.component.html

<div fxFlex fxLayoutAlign="start center" class="bottom-div">
BOTTOM ELEMENT: This div is filled and text is in center

3rd Case The bottom div itself is aligned to the bottom and not filling up the remaining vertical space.

Case3 https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackoverflowcom-questions-41665737-angular-2-flex-layout-hei?file=src/app/app.component.html If that's what you are after, here is the change:

<div fxFlex="20" fxLayoutAlign="start center" class="bottom-div">
    BOTTOM ELEMENT: This div is just 20 and aligned to the bottom

Stackblitz Playground https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackoverflowcom-questions-41665737-angular-2-flex-layout-hei?file=src/app/app.component.html

Might help someone visiting it in later version of Angular.

Update Oct06, 2020: Revisited my answer today and realized that reference to Angular version seems irrelevant; the solution is moreover 'flex dependent'. I have removed the version of Angular from the answer.

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sandiejat Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 11:10
