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Angular 2 feature module routing example

As far as Angular 2 routing goes, I've mostly been able to find examples of the scenario where there's exactly one routing file for the whole application.

I'd like to see an example of using not just one routing file, but a main routing file and then at least one feature module routing file.

Edit: I realize that a somewhat similar question has already been asked and answered. There are two reasons why I don't find that one particularly helpful:

1) The question is very specific to that user's situation and therefore there's a lot of "noise". All I'm asking for is one single isolated example of feature module routing.

2) The answers for that question don't seem to address how to create a routing file for a feature module and then tie it back into the app's main routing. Maybe it's there and I'm just missing it but I don't see it there.

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Jason Swett Avatar asked Nov 27 '16 22:11

Jason Swett

Video Answer

2 Answers

Let's see if this example covers what you are looking for.

These are the modules being used:

  • AppModule (root module)
  • UsersModule (feature module)

Snippets below are simplified.


import { UsersModule } from './users.module'; import { AppRouting } from './app.routing';  @NgModule({   imports: [     BrowserModule,     UsersModule,     AppRouting,   ],   declarations: [...],   providers: [...],   bootstrap: [ AppComponent ] }) export class AppModule { } 


const appRoutes: Routes = [   { path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },   { path: 'home', component: Home },   { path: '**', component: NotFound }, //always last ];  export const AppRouting = RouterModule.forRoot(appRoutes, {    useHash: true }); 


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { UsersRouting } from './users.routing';  @NgModule({   imports: [     CommonModule, // ngFor, ngIf directives     UsersRouting,   ],   declarations: [...],   providers: [...] }) export class UsersModule { } 


const usersRoutes: Routes = [   { path: 'users',     children: [       { path: '', component: Users },       { path: ':id', component: User }     ]   } ];  export const UsersRouting = RouterModule.forChild(usersRoutes); 

Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/09Alm0o4fV3bqBPUIFkz?p=preview

Sample code includes also AboutModule (lazy loaded module, includes resolve example) but doesn't include a Shared Module example.

You can find more details at these slides: https://slides.com/gerardsans/ngpoland-amazing-ng2-router

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Gerard Sans Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Gerard Sans

Here is an example of how I handle my routing with child routes. I think this will help you and teach you to use child routes to provide Guard for some of your components. This will secure some views if the user is lacking authentication. I separate mine in public and secure routing everything through the layout then loading the routes for which ever layout is chosen.

Make sure to export the child routes and that the correct routes are called in the layout route. Also make sure you use redirectTo in each child routes file.

We are defining our layouts public or secure. Then providing the routes file in each of those directories to take over once the create route is picked.


const APP_ROUTES: Routes = [     { path: '', redirectTo: '/home', pathMatch: 'full', },     { path: '', component: PublicComponent, data: { title: 'Public Views' }, children: PUBLIC_ROUTES },     { path: '', component: SecureComponent, canActivate: [Guard], data: { title: 'Secure Views' }, children: SECURE_ROUTES } ]; 

Then I have a layouts folder


layouts/public/public.components.ts layouts/public/public.components.html layouts/secure/secure.components.ts layouts/secure/secure.components.html 

secure.component.ts which is the layout looks like this,

import { Component, OnInit }        from '@angular/core'; import { Router }                   from '@angular/router'; import { Auth }                     from './../services/auth.service';  @Component({     providers: [ Auth ],     selector: 'app-dashboard',     templateUrl: './secure.component.html' }) export class SecureComponent implements OnInit {      constructor( private router: Router, private auth: Auth ) { }      ngOnInit(): void { } } 

Then in your secure directory you can create a component and select the template you will use for it,

@Component({     providers: [ Auth ],     templateUrl: './profile.component.html' }) export class ProfileComponent implements OnInit {      constructor( private router: Router, private auth: Auth, private http: Http  ) { }      ngOnInit() { } } 

Now make sure to create your child routes in the secure and public directory. Once the route is hit the child route will load the correct class and template file will be rendered.

Remember they will be children of your layouts. So you can put a navigation bar and footer in secure.component.html and it will show up in all of your secure components. Because we are using selectors to load the content. All of your components secure and public will be loaded into the selctory inside the layouts html file.

child routes /public/piublic.routes.ts

export const PUBLIC_ROUTES: Routes = [     { path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },     { path: 'p404', component: p404Component },     { path: 'e500', component: e500Component },     { path: 'login', component: LoginComponent },     { path: 'register', component: RegisterComponent },     { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent } ]; 


export const SECURE_ROUTES: Routes = [     { path: '', redirectTo: 'overview', pathMatch: 'full' },     { path: 'items', component: ItemsComponent },     { path: 'overview', component: OverviewComponent },     { path: 'profile', component: ProfileComponent },     { path: 'reports', component: ReportsComponent } ]; 


We have setup an initial rout file in the root directory of our Angular2 app. This route file directs traffic to one of two layouts depending on if the user is authenticated or not. If they have the authentication for whichever route public layout or secure layout iss served. Then each of those layouts have a bunch of child routes and components which are served to the respective layout.

So to clear the file structure up,

root = / 

You main app routes which control which layout is viewed.


Layouts which hold the layouts secure or public.


`/layouts/public.components.ts /layouts/public.components.html /layouts/public.routing.ts` 


`/layouts/secure.components.ts /layouts/secure.components.html /layouts/secure.routing.ts` 

public directory which holds anything that is open to view without auth.

/public/home-component.ts /public/home-component.html 

Secure directory which holds the auth needed routes and components.

/public/profile-component.ts /public/profile-component.html 
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wuno Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
