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Angular 2 dependency injection in pipes

How can i inject dependencies like a service into angular2 pipes?

import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from 'angular2/core'; import {MyService} from './service';  //How i am injecting MyService to the pipe?  @Pipe({name: 'exponentialStrength'}) export class ExponentialStrengthPipe implements PipeTransform {   transform(value:number, args:string[]) : any {     return Math.pow(value, parseInt(args[0] || '1', 10));   } } 
like image 778
user233232 Avatar asked Feb 07 '16 18:02


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Marking a class with @Injectable ensures that the compiler will generate the necessary metadata to create the class's dependencies when the class is injected. The following example shows how a service class is properly marked so that a supporting service can be injected upon creation.

1 Answers

You can inject the dependency in the constructor like this:

export class ExponentialStrengthPipe implements PipeTransform {    constructor(public testService: TestService) {    }    transform(value:number, args:string[]) : any {     // you can access this.testService here     return Math.pow(value, parseInt(args[0] || '1', 10));   } } 

Don't forget to make sure you add this dependency to the app module:

@NgModule({     declarations: [...],     imports: [...],     providers: [..., TestService],     bootstrap: [AppComponent], } 
like image 156
Bazinga Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 02:10
