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Angular 2 animation ended callback function



Based on the animation example for Angular 2, is there a way to specify a callback function when the animation ends?

animations: [
trigger('heroState', [
  state('inactive', style({
    backgroundColor: '#eee',
    transform: 'scale(1)'
  state('active',   style({
    backgroundColor: '#cfd8dc',
    transform: 'scale(1.1)'
  transition('inactive => active', animate('100ms ease-in')),
  transition('active => inactive', animate('100ms ease-out'))
like image 202
doorman Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 21:12


1 Answers

You can manage animation pretty easily without relying on angular animation. Angular5 now supports most of the callback methods including 'animationend' callback. Here is a basic example. Once animation is triggered, 'anim-slide', which is the css class that holds the animation is attached to the DOM. This is done by by using 'animClass' which is a regular angular component variable. Once the animation is done css class is removed from the DOM by emptying 'animClass' variable

<div (click)="animClass='anim-slide'" >
    <i class="far fa-bell"></i>
 <div class="value" [ngClass]="animClass" (animationend)="animClass=''">
     <div>some text that would slide in</div>

CSS class for reference

    animation-duration: 3s;
    animation-name: slidein;
@keyframes slidein {
    from {
      margin-left: 100%;
      width: 300%; 
    to {
      margin-left: 0%;
      width: 100%;
like image 171
Anoop Isaac Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 12:12

Anoop Isaac