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Angular 1.1.5 or Angular 1.0.7



What is the difference between Angular monochromatic-rainbow (1.0.7) or triangle squarification (1.1.5)?

Also if I am trying to develop a responsive website which is going to be used heavily on mobile devices, should I use one rather than the other?

like image 979
ArjaaAine Avatar asked Aug 19 '13 03:08


1 Answers

If you are developing new website you should have gone with 1.1.x, since those version will eventually become 1.2.0. However, at the time of writing this 1.2.0rc1 is already available for download.

Short explanation of 1.0.x-1.1.x:

Versioning conventions

1.0.x will receive only bug fixes backported from 1.1.x branch and will be supported until 1.2 is released

1.1.x will receive features and bugfixes and might contain breaking changes in between minor releases

1.2.x will become stable (a bugfix branch) based on the last 1.1.x release

You have more details in roadmap document.

like image 183
Nenad Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10
