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Angular 10 Stricter Settings --strict

In Angular 10 you can create a new project using ng new --strict

Enabling this flag initializes your new project with a few new settings that improve maintainability, help you catch bugs ahead of time, and allow the CLI to perform advanced optimizations on your app

Is there a command line that will upgrade an existing project to strict mode, or I just need to create a new project and then copy-paste the files from the other project?

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Doua Beri Avatar asked Jun 26 '20 07:06

Doua Beri

People also ask

How do I enable this strict feature in Angular 10?

To enable strict-mode, just add strict: true in your tsconfig. json file. It enables all flags which makes its compiler more strict.

How do I turn off strict mode in Angular 10?

Disable strict checks entirely by setting strictTemplates: false in the application's TypeScript configuration file, tsconfig. json. Disable certain type-checking operations individually, while maintaining strictness in other aspects, by setting a strictness flag to false.

Should I use Angular strict mode?

Strict mode improves maintainability and helps you catch bugs ahead of time. Additionally, strict mode applications are easier to statically analyze and can help the ng update command refactor code more safely and precisely when you are updating to future versions of Angular.

Where is strict mode in Angular?

Enabling Angular strict mode through the Angular CLI will enable TypeScript strict mode in your app also as enable some Angular strict checks. Angular Strict template checking is enabled via strictTemplates in tsconfig. json . It'll force the Angular compiler to check tons of things.

1 Answers

Basically a couple things change:

  1. tsconfig.base.json gets some new rules:
"compilerOptions": {   "strict": true,   "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,   "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true }, "angularCompilerOptions": {   "strictInjectionParameters": true,   "strictTemplates": true }    
  1. the tslint.json gets updated
"no-any": true 
  1. the bundle budget sizes are reduced in your angular.json:
"configurations": {   //...   [envName]: {     "budgets": [       {         "type": "initial",         "maximumWarning": "500kb",         "maximumError": "1mb",       },       {         "type": "anyComponentStyle",         "maximumWarning": "2kb",         "maximumError": "4kb",       },     ]   } } 

and a schematics addition to your projects.[projectName].schematics path in the angular.json:

schematics: {   "@schematics/angular:application": {     "strict": true   } } 
  1. the app package.json gets updated with a sideEffects property:
sideEffects: false 

For an explanation what this does, I can refer you to this answer.

This package.json is located inside your app folder. It should be added there with the migration while using the ng update option. If you do not have this file, you can use this template

To convert a current codebase, especially the tsconfig updates and the no-any will give you some headache to fix. But it will be definitely worth it to get a better (less hidden bugs) and easier to refactor codebase.

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Poul Kruijt Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Poul Kruijt