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android.os.BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling: exception

The values are getting passed and execution happens properly but i see these being thrown in logcat and i want to eliminate these , i checked the older forums but nothing in specific .I am posting my code below , please do let me know why would this problem occur

public class ExecutionInfo implements Parcelable

    private int offSet;

    private List<Integer> pollingIntervalArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    private List<String> commandLst= new ArrayList<String>();

    private int repeatCount;

    private int executorId;

    private int processType;

    public ExecutionInfo()


    public ExecutionInfo(Parcel source)
        offSet = source.readInt();
        repeatCount = source.readInt();
        executorId = source.readInt();
        processType = source.readInt();
        source.readList(pollingIntervalArray, Integer.class.getClassLoader());

    public int getOffSet()
        return offSet;

    public void setOffSet(int offSet)
        this.offSet = offSet;

    public List<Integer> getInterval()
        return pollingIntervalArray;

    public void setInterval(List<Integer> pollingIntervalVec)
        this.pollingIntervalArray = pollingIntervalVec;

    public List<String> getCommandLst()
        return commandLst;

    public void setCommands(String command)

    public int getRepeatCount()
        return repeatCount;

    public void setRepeatCount(int repeatCount)
        this.repeatCount = repeatCount;

    public int getExecutorId()
        return executorId;

    public void setExecutorId(int executorId)
        this.executorId = executorId;

    public int describeContents()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return 0;

    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)


    public static final Parcelable.Creator<ExecutionInfo> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<ExecutionInfo>()
        public ExecutionInfo createFromParcel(Parcel in)
            return new ExecutionInfo(in);

        public ExecutionInfo[] newArray(int size)
            return new ExecutionInfo[size];

    public int getProcessType()
        return processType;

    public void setProcessType(int processType)
        this.processType = processType;

Exception which is being thrown repeatedly is : but this does not hinder the execution

: com.seven.superapptwitter.xmlHandler.ExecutionInfo
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458): Failure filling in extras
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458): android.os.BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling: com.seven.superapptwitter.xmlHandler.ExecutionInfo
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458):     at android.os.Parcel.readParcelable(Parcel.java:1883)
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458):     at android.os.Parcel.readValue(Parcel.java:1771)
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458):     at android.os.Parcel.readMapInternal(Parcel.java:2008)
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458):     at android.os.Bundle.unparcel(Bundle.java:208)
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458):     at android.os.Bundle.putAll(Bundle.java:281)
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458):     at android.content.Intent.fillIn(Intent.java:5127)
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458):     at com.android.server.am.PendingIntentRecord.sendInner(PendingIntentRecord.java:195)
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458):     at com.android.server.am.PendingIntentRecord.send(PendingIntentRecord.java:177)
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458):     at android.app.PendingIntent.send(PendingIntent.java:400)
07-27 16:52:11.418: WARN/Intent(2458):     at com.android.server.AlarmManagerService$AlarmThread.run(AlarmManagerService.java:680)
like image 401
Kavitha Avatar asked Jul 28 '11 21:07


1 Answers

I think this is answered for you here: Problem unmarshalling parcelables.

Basically you need to set the class loader because the AlarmManagerService is a separate OS process.

like image 97
Jason Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 11:11
