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Android: when / why should I use FrameLayout instead of Fragment?

I am building a layout for large screens, that is supposed to consist of 2 different parts, a left one and a right one. For doing that I thought using 2 Fragments is the right choice.

Then I had a look on the example of the navigation with the Master/Detail-Flow. It has a 2-pane layout, where on the right is the navigation, and on the left is the detail view.

But in that example, different from what I expected to see, for the detail view there is a FrameLayout that then holds a Fragment, instead of a Fragment directly.

The layout XML looks like this (an example):

<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"     xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent"     android:layout_marginLeft="16dp"     android:layout_marginRight="16dp"     android:baselineAligned="false"     android:divider="?android:attr/dividerHorizontal"     android:orientation="horizontal"     android:showDividers="middle"     tools:context=".WorkStationListActivity" >      <fragment         android:id="@+id/workstation_list"         android:name="de.tuhh.ipmt.ialp.history.WorkStationListFragment"         android:layout_width="0dp"         android:layout_height="match_parent"         android:layout_weight="1"         tools:layout="@android:layout/list_content" />      <FrameLayout         android:id="@+id/workstation_detail_container"         android:layout_width="0dp"         android:layout_height="match_parent"         android:layout_weight="3" />  </LinearLayout> 

My question now is: why is a FrameLayout used instead of the Fragment itself for the detail view? What is the reason or the advantage? Should I use it too?

like image 702
Terry Avatar asked Oct 18 '13 15:10


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Why do we prefer FrameLayout for fragments?

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When should we use FrameLayout in Android?

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Show activity on this post. A framelayout, Relative View and a few others represents a view in android and is extended from viewgroup. A Fragment is a an an Object that is used to represent a portion of a user interface and is usually hosted in an activity. A fragment has a viewgroup which you can assign an XML layout.

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1 Answers

The detail container is a FrameLayout because the Fragment that is displayed will be replaced using FragmentTransaction's replace() method.

The first argument to replace() is the ID of container whose Fragments will be replaced. If the FrameLayout in this example were replaced with a Fragment, then both the WorkStationListFragment and whatever detail Fragment is currently shown would be replaced by the new Fragment. By encapsulating the Fragment within a FrameLayout, you can replace just the details.

like image 125
Bryan Herbst Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09

Bryan Herbst