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Enhance webView performance (should be the same performance as native Web Browser)

My experience is that loading websites in a WebView is much slower than performing the same actions in the Android Web Browser. I can see that all files have been loaded in my Apache log, it will take a few seconds until the page is displayed in the WebView control, however. Opening the same page in the native Web browser will result in an immediate display. It seems that rendering is somehow crippled.

Which browser settings do we have to apply in order to achieve the same performance as loading the page in the native web browser?

Our current settings:

browserset.setLoadsImagesAutomatically(true); browserset.setJavaScriptEnabled(true); browserset.setDatabaseEnabled(true); browserset.setDatabasePath("data/data/com.xxx/databases"); browserset.setDomStorageEnabled(true); browserset.setRenderPriority(WebSettings.RenderPriority.HIGH); browserset.setSupportZoom(false); browserset.setUserAgentString( browserset.getUserAgentString() + " (XY ClientApp)" ); browserset.setAllowFileAccess(true); browserset.setSavePassword(false); browserset.setSupportMultipleWindows(false); browserset.setAppCacheEnabled(true); browserset.setAppCachePath(""); browserset.setAppCacheMaxSize(5*1024*1024); 
like image 436
Hansjoerg Avatar asked Sep 06 '10 15:09


People also ask

How can I improve my WebView performance?

I read about how to increase performance of WebView by implementing Caching web resources like JS, CSS and image files. You can also static resources in your native application, and by intercepting the Resource requests you can override the default behaviour of WebView.

Is WebView slower than browser?

Web View is slower on both as compared to native android browser.

What is the difference between WebView and browser?

What is WebView? Simply put, Android WebView allows apps to display web content, without having to open a web browser. Up to Android 6, WebView was a system service. Then, with Android 7.0, Google incorporated that functionality into the default Chrome Browser.

What is WebView used for?

Android WebView is a system component for the Android operating system (OS) that allows Android apps to display content from the web directly inside an application.

2 Answers

I finally got the reason of android webview bad performance issue. Notice the image below... It used 12 seconds from OnPageStarted to OnPageFinished. Because it should load CSS,javascript and ... AJAX...

the debug window:

I notice that JQuery and JQueryMobile need load all DOM struct in Html.So if I lazy load the javascript after OnPageFinished,it should show page faster.

First use setTimeout instead of $(document).ready(function() {}); in JQuery.Then use lazyload javascript file.

The final html and javascript is:

<script src="/css/j/lazyload-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>          <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">          loadComplete(){            //instead of $(document).ready(function() {});         }          function loadscript()          {  LazyLoad.loadOnce([   '/css/j/jquery-1.6.2.min.js',   '/css/j/flow/jquery.flow.1.1.min.js',     '/css/j/min.js?v=2011100852'  ], loadComplete);          }          setTimeout(loadscript,10);          </script> 

You can find lazyload-min.js in http://wonko.com/post/painless_javascript_lazy_loading_with_lazyload

After do that,you can see the log image below:

after change the javascript

Now, it only takes 2 seconds from OnPageStarted to OnPageFinished.

I posted the article at https://wenzhang.baidu.com/page/view?key=22fe27eabff3251f-1426227431

But it was written in Chinese:)

like image 67
DennisZhong Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10


I ran into a similar issue, and after some heavy debugging noticed the native browser and WebView browser seem to be using different caches.

This code can be used to disable the WebView cache, and made WebView much faster for me (though at the expense of not caching). Note that it uses private APIs, so by using it you're risking the code will break in future releases:

try {   Method m = CacheManager.class.getDeclaredMethod("setCacheDisabled", boolean.class);   m.setAccessible(true);   m.invoke(null, true); } catch (Throwable e) {   Log.i("myapp","Reflection failed", e); } 
like image 45
Guypo Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10
