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Android: When is onCreateOptionsMenu called during Activity lifecycle?

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When Android application starts what is the first call back life cycle method to be called?

Similarly, android initiates the program within an activity with a call to onCreate() callback method. There is a sequence of callback methods that starts up an activity and then tear down in different methods shown in the above Activity life cycle diagram: 1. onCreate(): In this state, the activity is created.

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What is onCreateOptionsMenu in Android?

onCreateOptionsMenu() is called by the Android runtime when it need to create the option menu.

The onCreate method is called first, and before it finishes onCreateOptionsMenu is called.

That will be true on devices and apps with an official Honeycomb-style action bar. If there is no action bar, onCreateOptionsMenu() should not get called until the user calls up the menu, typically by pressing the MENU button.

(I'm using screen size to determine this, my layout file for large screens has a View I check for after the layout is inflated)

That test will break very shortly, once Ice Cream Sandwich ships. From what I can tell, ICS phones will have action bars (though perhaps not system bars).

In my case on Android 2.3 and with FragmentActivity from v4-support library the order of life-cycle methods invoke is following:

07-18 18:29:21.629  20183-20183/? I/onCreate:
07-18 18:29:21.719  20183-20183/? I/onStart: 
07-18 18:29:21.719  20183-20183/? I/onResume: 
07-18 18:29:21.739  20183-20183/? I/onCreateOptionsMenu:

I found if in onResume() I call


then onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) is called afterward - as per the activity life cycle (I think that's the correct term here), as indicated by @tir38

public void onResume() {

Addition in above answer, In case of ICS and Honeycomb onCreateOptionsMenu is called after onCreate and onPostCreate while in Gingerbread and earlier versions it is called after onCreate but before onPostCreate. Thats the only difference I found.

In my experience ActionBarActivity from support v7 onCreateOptionsMenu() called in setContentView() method in the middle of onCreate() it is appear on 4.1.1.

But on 4.4 another story onCreateOptionMenu() called after onCreate(). Also I don't know it may be immediately after, maybe not. But is fact after. I didn't test on other versions but 4.1.1 is first where I had have a trouble with init order.

i suggest to create a callback-function in your fragment to avoid timing issues with onResume() and onCreateOptionsMenu().

doing the following works flawless for me:

  1. create and add your fragment to your activity
  2. leave a reference of this fragment in your activity
  3. create a public method doSomethingWithTheMenu() in your fragment
  4. call this method from within your activity when onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) is called.


public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    if (this.myFragment != null) {
    return true;