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Android voice recognition API offline

Can someone please help me?

I am developing an application with voice recognition via RecognizerIntent.

  1. Which Android version brought in officially the offline recognition available to apps by API? Is there any statement about it?
  2. By what I read until know it is not a choice of the developer if the voice recognition will be done via online service or the offline dictionaries. Am I right? Or are there any documented API to set offline?


like image 970
Androrider Avatar asked Mar 27 '14 10:03


People also ask

Can Google Speech API be used offline?

Android does have offline speech recognition capabilities. You can activate this by going to Settings - Language and Input - Voice Input and touch the cog icon next to Enhanced Google Services.

Is VOSK offline?

Vosk is a speech recognition toolkit that supports over 20 languages (e.g., English, German, Hindu, etc.) and dialects. It works offline and even on lightweight devices like Raspberry Pi.

1 Answers

Now there is offline voice recognition is possible for android 4.1. check this article article

and also check pochetsphinx

like image 53
Vijay Vankhede Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10

Vijay Vankhede