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Android: Turn On/Off WiFi Hotspot Programmatically on Android Marshmallow (6.0)

I have come across this thread (Android: How to Enable/Disable Wifi or Internet Connection Programmatically) which is very similar to what I wanted to ask. I have tried the solution provided by an answer posted by Ashish Sahu (https://stackoverflow.com/users/1780737/ashish-sahu) which seems to work perfectly on other Android versions aside from Marshmallow (6.0).

Is there anyway to toggle and setup a WiFi Hotspot on Android Marshmallow? I tried using mHotspot (http://www.mhotspot.com/) which can do the job on Android Marshmallow but I just don't know how to implement it.

Thanks in advance.

like image 646
sasawatc Avatar asked Feb 09 '16 12:02


People also ask

How do I make my Android phone automatically turn on hotspot?

The solutionAn app called 'HotSpot Automatic (free)' will do just that. You install the app on your android phone and when configured it can use bluetooth to make the detection and run the hotspot script. The android headunit will now connect automatically to the phone hotspot.

How do you turn off hotspot on Android?

Go to Manage > Devices. Choose the device on which you want to disable Personal Hotspot. Go to Actions and select Disable Personal Hotspot. You will be asked if you want to stop sharing Personal Hotspot.

Can I set my hotspot to turn off automatically?

On Android Open the Hotspot & tethering options. What is this? Go to the Wi-Fi hotspot. Check the Turn off hotspot automatically option.

1 Answers

My answer for this question is:

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration;
import android.net.wifi.WifiManager;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Log;

public class WifiAPController extends Activity {
    public int a;
    public int b;
    public String password;
    public String APname;

    private static int g;
    private static int h;
    private static int i;
    private static int j;
    private WifiManager wifiManager;
    private String logTAG;
    private int wifiState;
    private boolean o;

    class wifiControllerTask extends AsyncTask {
        WifiAPController wifiAPControllerClass;
        boolean a;
        boolean b;
        Context mContext;

        public wifiControllerTask(WifiAPController wifiAPController, boolean arg3, boolean arg4, Context context) {
            this.wifiAPControllerClass = wifiAPController;
            this.a = arg3;
            this.b = arg4;
            this.mContext = context;

        protected Void a(Void[] arg3) {
            try {
                WifiAPController.wifiToggle(this.wifiAPControllerClass, this.a);
            } catch (Exception v0) {
            return null;

        public void a() {
            int sdkCurrentVersion = 21;
            try {
                if (this.a) {
                    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < sdkCurrentVersion) {


                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < sdkCurrentVersion) {
            } catch (Exception v0) {
                Log.e("noti error", v0.getMessage());

        protected void a(Void arg2) {
            try {
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException v0) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception v0_1) {

            if (this.b) {

        protected Object doInBackground(Object[] arg2) {
            return this.a(((Void[]) arg2));

        protected void onPostExecute(Object arg1) {
            this.a(((Void) arg1));

        protected void onPreExecute() {

    static {
        WifiAPController.g = 0;
        WifiAPController.h = 0;
        WifiAPController.i = 1;
        WifiAPController.j = 4;

    public WifiAPController() {
        this.a = 2;
        this.b = 3;
        this.logTAG = "WifiAP";
        this.wifiState = -1;
        this.o = false;

    static int wifiToggle(WifiAPController wifiAPController, boolean wifiToggleFlag) {
        return wifiAPController.wifiToggle(wifiToggleFlag);

    private void initWifiAPConfig(WifiConfiguration wifiConfiguration){
        wifiConfiguration.SSID = "SomeName";
        wifiConfiguration.preSharedKey = "SomeKey1";
        wifiConfiguration.hiddenSSID = false;

    private int wifiToggle(boolean wifiToggleFlag) {
        int wifiState;
        String stateString;
        StringBuilder message;
        long sleepTimeout = 500;
        int maxAttemptCount = 10;
        int errorState = -1;
        Log.d(this.logTAG, "*** setWifiApEnabled CALLED **** " + wifiToggleFlag);
        WifiConfiguration wifiConfiguration = new WifiConfiguration();
        if ((wifiToggleFlag) && this.wifiState == errorState) {
            this.wifiState = this.wifiManager.getWifiState();

        if (!(!wifiToggleFlag || this.wifiManager.getConnectionInfo() == null)) {
            Log.d(this.logTAG, "disable wifi: calling");
            int attemptCount = maxAttemptCount;
            while (attemptCount > 0) {
                if (this.wifiManager.getWifiState() == 1) {

                Log.d(this.logTAG, "disable wifi: waiting, pass: " + (10 - attemptCount));
                try {
                } catch (Exception v4_1) {

            Log.d(this.logTAG, "disable wifi: done, pass: " + (10 - attemptCount));

        try {
            message = new StringBuilder();
            stateString = wifiToggleFlag ? "enabling" : "disabling";
            Log.d(this.logTAG, message.append(stateString).append(" wifi ap: calling").toString());
            Log.d(this.logTAG, this.APname);
            Log.d(this.logTAG, this.password);
            Log.d(this.logTAG, "" + this.wifiManager.getClass().getMethod("setWifiApEnabled", WifiConfiguration.class, boolean.class).invoke(this.wifiManager, wifiConfiguration, true).toString());
            int res = this.wifiManager.addNetwork(wifiConfiguration);
            Log.d(this.logTAG, "" + res);
            wifiState = (int) this.wifiManager.getClass().getMethod("getWifiApState").invoke(this.wifiManager);
            Log.d(this.logTAG, "" + wifiState);
        } catch (Exception v0_1) {
            Log.e("wifi", v0_1.getMessage());
            wifiState = errorState;

        while (maxAttemptCount > 0) {
            if (this.wifiToggle() != WifiAPController.h && this.wifiToggle() != this.b && this.wifiToggle() != WifiAPController.j) {
            message = new StringBuilder();
            stateString = wifiToggleFlag ? "enabling" : "disabling";
            Log.d(this.logTAG, message.append(stateString).append(" wifi ap: waiting, pass: ").append(10 - maxAttemptCount).toString());
            sleepTimeout = 500;
            try {
            } catch (Exception v0_1) {
        message = new StringBuilder();
        stateString = wifiToggleFlag ? "enabling" : "disabling";
        Log.d(this.logTAG, message.append(stateString).append(" wifi ap: done, pass: ").append(10 - maxAttemptCount).toString());

        if (!wifiToggleFlag) {
            if ((this.wifiState >= WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLING && this.wifiState <= WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_UNKNOWN) || (this.o)) {
                Log.d(this.logTAG, "enable wifi: calling");

            this.wifiState = errorState;
            return wifiState;
        return wifiState;

    public int wifiToggle() {
        int result;
        int v4 = 10;
        try {
            result = (int) this.wifiManager.getClass().getMethod("getWifiApState").invoke(this.wifiManager);
        } catch (Exception v0) {
            result = -1;

        if (result >= v4) {
            WifiAPController.g = v4;

        WifiAPController.h = WifiAPController.g;
        WifiAPController.i = WifiAPController.g + 1;
        this.a = WifiAPController.g + 2;
        this.b = WifiAPController.g + 3;
        WifiAPController.j = WifiAPController.g + 4;
        return result;

    public void wifiToggle(Context context) {
        Intent v0 = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);

    public void wifiToggle(String apname, String pass, WifiManager wifiManager, Context context) {
        boolean v2 = true;
        if (this.wifiManager == null) {
            this.wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);

        this.APname = apname;
        this.password = pass;
        int v0 = this.wifiToggle() == this.b || this.wifiToggle() == this.a ? 1 : 0;
        if (v0 != 0) {
            v2 = false;

        new wifiControllerTask(this, v2, false, context).execute(new Void[0]);

Also, in main Activity you should call like this:

    WifiAPController wifiAPController  = new WifiAPController();
    wifiAPController.wifiToggle("mHotspot", "12345678", wifiManager, context);

Don't forget about permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

I tested this on Nexus 6 with Marshmallow(6.0)

like image 107
Lex Hobbit Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10

Lex Hobbit